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1993 R33 Gts... (any Problems/issues?)

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Firstly this is my very first post, I'm glad to be a member and I'm certain that I will learm a lot from this forum.

I've found an R33 GTS that i really like and would love it as a first car, from what I have read so far, some of you approve of them as first cars, some disapprove for various reasons. Anyway, I'm going to go and have a look at it, and I was just wondering what I should be looking out for.

Do the R33s have any particular rust spots or any common problems that I could look out for?

Any help would be greatly appreciated, thanks.

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Thanks! I think was probably just about everything I need to know, I'll definately keep all of that in mind.

Yeah I wish I had found that before I bought mine (R33 GTS). Might've seen a few things that cost me later on!

As for the R33 GTS as a first car... mine was my second but I'd certainly say it's a pretty good way to introduce yourself to a car with a *little* bit of power... I went from an old Sigma with like 3rwkw (maybe not... but pretty woeful) to my R33 GTS and I must say that for at least the first year that was plenty of power for me. It's not about having a super-quick car, but I'd always wanted an R33 and it's a whole lotta fun to drive, handles fantastic (esp. compared to the majority of 'daily-drivers' that are in the price range of a first-car buyer... and certainly better than any falcodore of the same year!), and goes well enough to not be boring. Oh, and of course it was a major cop magnet :P Gotta deal with that! Those red "[P]lease Pull Me Over" plates really sucked!

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Yeah I'm really hopin that I get it. It will be a nice and fun car i think, I learnt to drive in a Lancer which had about 4 kw as well haha so it should be a nice change. It's all standard though and I'm not planning on driving like a complete wanker so hopefully the police men will be nice to me...

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im alspo a p plater in a skyline

it doesnt matter how you drive

you will get pulled up

about once a week

once a fortnight if your lucky

they will pick you out at every single booze buss

and they will glare you down as you drive past them

welcome to the import world :down:

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If you are allowed to drive a turbo where you live then buy one, they are around the same price as the NA's now. If you're not allowed to drive them buy a crap box until you are. Dont waste your time with NA lines.

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ok i know i might just be a lucky mofo but at the time of writing this post i have NEVER been pulled over in my gts-t. Im 21 and come off my P's tomorrow (yay!) and ive had this car since November last year. Not a single problem yet and i run what im sure is an illegal exhaust and FMC.

i guess that someone up there wants me to have fun in the black beast with no cop trouble :D

PS i call my car the black beast for those who dont know :D:D:D

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