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One For The Girls!


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I randomly stumbled across this website where you can sell all the items your exbf bought for you! From jewellry right down to ornaments! You can also (obviously) buy other peoples trashed memories too!! Loves it!!



Edited by MeLSki
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Hehe...women folk, how to convert pain into cash.

Men do something similar, It's called the tip...well what else can you do with stuffed toys and pink t-shirts?

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lol the sob stories are cute!

I've kept all my lil exbf presents. Whythe hell would you get rid of jewelly? I just tell ppl my mum bought it for me! Hahaha

And the best exbf present eva? My ex thought he coudl make me angry by buying jumper leads for my birthday...best present ever now the bunky breaks down every day! I was stoked! He was emo!

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How random! My missus was just talking to me about where she could sell this ring that some guy bought for her...not even an ex. She went to get the ring appraised...


No where NEAR how much i expected it to be! She could just about buy me my new turbo kit! hahaha! I'll point her to this website now :banana:

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How random! My missus was just talking to me about where she could sell this ring that some guy bought for her...not even an ex. She went to get the ring appraised...


No where NEAR how much i expected it to be! She could just about buy me my new turbo kit! hahaha! I'll point her to this website now :bunny:

omfg! I helped someone with my randomness!!! Yay! :banana:

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