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Hey all only know like two people on this forum but have seen a few people come into my restaurant with skylines, what I am going to do is offer up to 10% OFF your total bill if you mention your from Skyline's Aus... ok so my restaurant is located 25 Hull Way beechbora, of altone road, and thats of benara or reid hwy. Its called Altone Park Chinese Restaurant and the main chef is my dad, use to own the restaurant in ballajura called summer lakes chinese restaurant for about 26 years or so....So yeah would like to see you guys come in, and receive some discount for quality food :down:.

Name, Altone Park Chinese Restaurant

Location 25 Hull Way, Beechbora

Phone Number, 92796686

need anything else PM me,

cheers guys and for those of you that do come in please comment on the food! would be very appreciated.


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lol yerh the FAMOUS TRISTON LEE :P ahhaha, jokes yerh it is steven.. havnt seen u in like 5 years lol, and yes luke, duck.. omg we got steamed duck, roast duck, fried duck! its the s@!!!! but run out alot very common so ring befor u come in on 92 796686 =D hope to see sum Skylines in my car park tonight ? =]

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do you really do fried duck?

how much is a combination meat rice? with like 3 meats?

cheers buddy, will come down asap lol possibly tueday i'll bring the missus, will you be there?

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hahaha atm im not there!!! jsut dad is there long story, anywazyz we do the combination but we dont serve with rice, buy seperate :pirate: but that shiz runs out very quick so we out alot of the time ahhaha.

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