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Im having problems with my idol on my car! when i give it a bit of a rev the idol starts the drop then pick up and just keep jumping up and down like its going to cut out! :S iv got a bigger turbo, air intake, front mount and bov. dose anyone have any ideas?? thanks

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Hey Scott,

I have a few points:

1. Was this problem occuring BEFORE you did the upgrade?

2. Is your BOV aftermarket? If it is, is it venting to atmosphere? If it is then thats a BIG NO NO!!!!!!!!!

3. Check out this link:


It is a mechanical service but may fix your problem (I had to do it)!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hope I provided some insite for you :ph34r:

Edited by im late
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yeh i pretty sure thats to atmostphere then mate

if its plumbed back there;ll be a little tube which takes the air from the bov and plumbs it back into the system..

with an atmo it gets rid of the air all together (into the atmostphere - hence "atmosphere") and the afm goes holy balls where'd that air go and shits its self.. (basically :ph34r:)

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wat do you mean by atmosphere?? i just got a turbosmart bov with that trumpet looking bit on it!

If it is the trumpet turbosmart then it will be vent to atmosphere.

Vent to atmosphere = the LOUD wank/illegal pppssssttttt noise you hear from the BOV in between each gear change!

Mate that can really be the cause of your problem. The stock ECU relies on the air that is vented from the BOV being recirculated back into the intake

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yer tru, cause wen i got my front mount and intake done they removed the plumb and stuff, so if i put in like a hks ssq bov will that be better for it?

Let me save you the expense by telling you this.

Your stock BOV is PERFECTLY fine for the power level you will be running with those mods.

I am running more than double the factory horse power on my car with still the stock BOVs. All day everyday no problems :D

Put the stocker back in and plumb it all back again into the intake. Keep it legal bro.....don't give the cops a reason to pull you over!!!!!!!!!!!

If your mechanic reckons you need an aftermarket BOV and that you can vent to atmo with your stock ecu.......then they need to go back to the mechanic school 101 class :ph34r::D

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Whoever did your BOV install MUST give back to you ALL the items he/she took off the car during the install. Every competent mechanic will just pop it all in a box in the boot of your car.

You are going to have to get the original stuff back from them other wise you are going to have to spend some more money to do one of the following:

1. You go to a wrecker and get all the factory hoses, etc to fit the stock BOV back on.

2. Turbosmart should provide as an option part to convert you BOV to return. This means a pipe/hose can be run back to your intake.

To round up:

1. You MUST feed the BOV venting back into the intake.

2. If the problem still persists (unlikely) Clean the AAC Valve.

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The reason they said u need an A/M BOV is because they were to lazy to make a new return pipe for the vented air (when installing an A/M IC it's easier to put on an AM BOV), If u want the A/M BOV on there clean your AFM, AAC valve and every time your about to stop (going about 5KM/H) give it a touch on the accelerator peddle.. i would recommend going back to to standard BOV as you don't really sound like your that confident working on your car.

Before you do a mod research, research, research.... even if your mechanic says you need to do this, this and this to get ...

Edited by axe s
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