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Everything posted by JET-33

  1. JET-33

    Canary Question

    if your not there they wont do anything... and i believe that a car can only be epa'd if the owner is present..but they may be wrong....i think it would be...but thats wot some people were saying at autosalon... as for the rwc...they aint gonna check a car unless its obvious that its gonna be an unroadworthy car (ie pick on us import drivers), however they will more than likely take down your plates and send u a letter or something along those lines....
  2. u may get off the line if i bag em up....but u know that i will mow ya ass down sideways not long afta :D
  3. why didnt u ever say anything sly? what do u look like, wots ya name?
  4. well, u cant stop whoring now..im ova it (try and build a bridge) tehe i dont get emotional, i just get angry, a lot, and quickly, if some1 has a go at me.... c me in real life and youl understand...get angry quick, get ova it quick.... ps lucky u were jkn, and sly :chairshot
  5. dont worry jack, u know its u and youl still win
  6. and u had to reply???? nice1 envy, u say stop whoring and u post it twice, hehe there must be some1 goin to the chaddy meet that can give him a lift...??? im sure there would b at least a few cars meeting there..or going through there...
  7. r u fkn serious man? genuine fkn question as the replies have indicated if u r serious, i had u all wrong, i thought u were kinda normal, but your a dead set fkn idiot and u beter not even fkn look at me again if u r serious.... :upurs::upurs::upurs::upurs::upurs::upurs::upurs:
  8. could have picked a more effective title u goon....
  9. i dont think the server is dedictaed for this site either...but i may be wrong..dont quote me on it if it isnt, it may b that other sites runnin off the server r busy and using up bandwidth... maybe...
  10. yeh, the server would have been shut down
  11. yeh thanx 2 our gorgeous models
  12. spewin it happened a while back, then it was fixed, now like 3 months l8r it has reared its ugly head again.... soooo annoying
  13. yurp, i was enjoying em the oda day when i saw your car sittin at ice not starting
  14. I been gettin it heaps the last few days...who else is in the same boat...?
  15. hehe, nice1 rob... sounds like ya havin a dig there
  16. ey i just got home i dont get owned by any1...u call it a fkn computer, that controls friggin hicas, get real, then its a fuel pump..cant u tell the fkn difference.... maybe u need to get some mods so u dont have to pretend ya "computer" in the boot is a little fulsic bov areh haha
  17. computer in the boot??? what u smokin man?
  18. tooo much crap in here just put up a final version of each with a price and adate u want to do it all by damn funky
  19. few things in there that i wouldnt mind gettin...
  20. have u found a front bar yet? i mite consider sellin u mine.....
  21. haha cheers peeps, much appreciated
  22. typical how they make us look bad by havin it related to thefts
  23. u cant say hes yummy, ur married.....u have a ball n chain now
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