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Everything posted by JET-33

  1. cheers bois, been an aight day its ova now, time 4 sleep cos i gotta get up bloody early....doh!
  2. cheers bois but man, i dont want ya partner at my party, its hideous, get it away *turns n runs screaming*
  3. somewhere where we can have a 21 line salute where 21 of the maddest, hottest, quickest lines just haul ass straight past the front at like 300+ :D:D :werd:
  4. hey andy, il take 1, a charger, and a car charger cheers
  5. and have dodgy as water...
  6. JET-33

    Car dealers....

    they r actually quiet nice cars, should put the new sign on the guy who put the first 1... i bet u it was a girl... hey envy, one thing u cant change, is that it said u edited ya post, and the quoted one fixes u up, hehe
  7. what about nengun they hve good stuff too, like greenline
  8. JET-33

    Car dealers....

    envy u just killed yaself didnt ya cos from here it seems as though your comment about being 4 cylinders had a fair amount of sarcasim behind it.... funny thing is, they r 4 cylinders hahaha, your still a fkn noob!
  9. JET-33

    weekly meetup!

    chadstone, yeh, meet ya there :thumbdwn:
  10. thats dodgy as, how can stuff go missing in a compliance shop... u gotta force an explanation out of em 4 sumfin like that...
  11. its nothin, i saw it at the cinemas in the ads its like pissy weak normal driving through closed roads...absolutely nothin in it...
  12. i think they used to be msa...maybe??? if so i think they were quiet expensive... but not sure...
  13. yorl now how i feel... :ak47: :box: :chairshot :headshot: :skull: :uzi:
  14. any good workshop should b able to get them 4 u..but they wont b cheap...
  15. JET-33

    weekly meetup!

    yeh that traffic will b sweet along there on a week night, hahahaha get farrrkkkkkkkkkkkeedddddddddd fark the city or anything near it, its afkn nightmare, y r poeple so obsessed with it and fark anything which needs etag..thats horse shite glen waverley all the way :p
  16. no pint gettin cheap stuff cos they r cheap 4 a reason, and youl end up changin it in a week cos its crap and do damage to ya car aswell as spenf more money in the end...do things right, all the time, and youl b better off
  17. u will b able to match a filter at repco, just use their oil filters and use mobil 1...no point being tight on a car when u spend the money to buy it...such a major part of the car, spend the extra $20 and do it properley u wouldnt run your car on standard pump fuel would u..and this the engine oil....
  18. JET-33

    weekly meetup!

    tempy donny way, at night, ya lookin 45 easy to get to westgate...westgate sucks arse and its far away
  19. JET-33

    weekly meetup!

    and westgate is flat out just not central 4 every1
  20. JET-33

    weekly meetup!

    GLEN WAVERLEY!!! albert park is a fkn nightmare
  21. yeh all depends on the place some people dont know exactly so they dont care, some people just dont notice that it shouldnt b a certain way...some people will do it if they know u wont turn on them etc etc theres always a way...
  22. whats the company called?
  23. the more options the better ey....
  24. JET-33

    2weekly meetup

    no where secluded like that no way im leavin my car park left anywhere unless its a popular place and/or i can see it a place like burvale is perfect, stay away from the city, i hate the city, its a damn nightmare for everything and always chaotic... somewhere in the burbs 4 sure
  25. hey sly, drop me a pm
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