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Posts posted by ossie_21

  1. Quick question says road worth registered car. My ceffy has a licky on it cause of the adjustable suspenion arms would this be allowed there with sticker?
    Car to be registered with no safety defects

    have to get the yellow removed.

    If it's still registered (ie - has plates) & the sticker isn't for a safety defect like a faulty seatbelt/wheel nearly coming off, it would be fine. He won't be the only one there with aftermarket suspension after all :)

  2. AHG never had drift training... they use to allow abit of drifting till people took it too far and now they have come down hard on it.

    be warn you will need to double check if you are allowed to drift at tuning days, barbagallo is pretty tight on when you can do drifting

    Yes they did have drift training, using both skidpans. The drifting they have come down on that you're referring to is during the actual driver training days..

  3. nic a31 i dont think you read the post properly .

    you might want to re read it or maybee i should have put more info in it but i didnt want to be longwinded like i usually am .

    The idea i was trying to get across is that if there is someone out there that wouldnt mind letting us use some space that they have that would be very nice and we would treat them respectfully .

    I cannot see why using a forum to put out a request is a bad idea , espescially when i reccomended people that are genuinely able to help should pm rather than post .

    Im just trying to do my best to do some responsible and safe driving AND be accountable for my actions while doing so .

    If you want to promote street drift then i suggest you continue to shit on everyone who tries to avoid it .

    PS: As an additional note we both already pay cams lic wascc membership and attend barbagallo drift sessions .

    I'm sure he knew what you meant, winds himself up pretty tight on here. Nic, chiiillllllll bbrrrooooooooo!

    For individuals, Sam (slydr) has a place with an area like what you need but from what I remember there is buses & all sorts of things being stored there but it's probably the same situation. But there is no harm in asking because some people could have a big, open area at their work... But if not, the Barbagallo nights might just have to do! They did also have drift lesson sessions at the AHG driver training centre, but since RAC took over I doubt they still happen

  4. First step would be to look at the photo, and if you are changing lanes like you said it has been proven that changing lanes at the time does give an incorrect reading. If you are moving closer to the camera it increases the speed & vice versa.

    But it in that situation & with no demerits involved if I was you I would only fight it if there is something showing up in the photo (another car within shot or changing lanes), and even then I'd only do it by getting in touch with the issuing officer (to do with speed camera fines, the name on the fine)

  5. he wouldnt have front row unless he is well connected. The front area is saved for celebrities and all those vip's. Diamond is the best seats available to the public and they are not front row.

    I have every single UFC on video from 1 -108 and have seen them all at least three times. I have a problem i know. You know you watch to much UFC when your boss taps you on the shoulder at work and you put him in a rear naked choke with a body triangle for good measure. Tap you bastard!!!!!

    Yeah probably has diamond tickets then, but who knows after all he does work in security :P All I know is he can't wait for it, as I'm sure you can't either!

  6. Ross I'd guess at an XR6 turbo...

    I think the rule is pretty much the same as radar detectors, not illegal to have just illegal to use :P But as said they are mostly wank factor anyway, but nothing wrong with 10/20 seconds if you really want to be on the safe side. My old 33 didn't have one in the 4 1/2 years I owned it & I didn't have any issues, I just left it idling while I sorted my shiz

  7. I have been through this process many times, some recorded some not, and you have every right to ask them why they would like to pop the bonnet and what they are looking for, i do this everytime and not once have i got a sticker cause i know my car is 100% legal. if you have done nothing wrong they CANNOT search the car, they do need reasonable susspision and you have every right to ask for it and also record their anwer, i find most times this prevents them from searching at all.

    It is a case of if you stood there and let them do it, tuff s**t, if you know you have done nothing then man up and make them do their job correctly, and make sure you record them. you do not need permission to record them either, yes that is 100% correct as long as you are part of the recording you need no permission, they record you 95% of the time, and do they ever tell you??

    If you want anything to hold up in court you need to tell them

  8. And the cop opens my drivers door and pops my bonnet. I say hey, you can't do that and click it back down in place. He then tells me yes he can and if I do it again he will arrest me. I was on my way to my mates place to drop him off at the airport in the morning. So If it wasn't for that I would have called his bluff, and taken a night in lock up over a yellow. So anyway, he pops the bonnet and proceeds to look for faults.

    I ask the other cop if he doesn't need warrant or reasonable suspicion to search the car/open bonnet. He says cops can. He also says that cops are allowed to dismantle a car on the side of the road if they feel the need. Cos they have to make sure a car is road legal and complies. Anyway I cop a sticker for too low, too loud, pillar gauges, catch can, coilovers, steering wheel.

    So my question is, can they REALLY pop my bonnet without my persmission? Cos I want to just park, lock up and walk away from car next time. Cos I wasn't speeding, they could RBT me if they like, I wasn't doing anything wrong. Can they order me to open car? I would wait for them to leave before I unlocked my car. I would leave the area after they ran their normal shenanigans. But when It comes to copping a sticker I am not up for that.

    Did you get their details? Both of them sound like the "I am above the law" type of cops. They do need a warrant, reasonable suspicion or your permission to search through your car. Obviously it's just sensible to allow them that permission though. As for the dismantling the car on the side of the road, he was dribbling shit, it's practically vandalism what he's describing.

    cop asks you must comply or you are breaking the law and no you cannot stop them popping your bonnet

    PS:: they can even sticker the car if you walk away from it .

    You do not have to be present

    IE :: you walk out of a shop and all of a sudden see a yellow sticker on your car is legal

    If they were being smart arses & you could pretty much tell they are going to sticker you, I will make it as hard for them as possible, and I wouldn't hesitate in pissing them off if they aren't showing me respect. If they respect me I'll respect them, it's a 2-way street when it comes to police & public from my point of view. By then I would have already stopped them talking, telling them the conversation is going to be recorded & to start the conversation over, starting with their rank & names. :blink:

    How sure are you about being able to sticker you when you have say parked the car at the shopping centre..

    i would really like to see the law sections behind that... as i highly doubt that is possible.

    Definitely stupid bit I've heard of one case a guy at a shopping centre came back to his car with the sticker on the windscreen & paperwork under the wiper blade....definite WTF moment if that ever happened

  9. If you're going that far might aswell get a 30 bottom end and smash your 25 head onto that..

    Pretty sure that's your answer to everything....

    Lyell can you replace that light globe in the lounge room? "Yeah, I'll smash an RB30 up there" :D

  10. Yeah I'm pretty sure everyone understands it's a tuning tool above everything else, though you can see the power loss throughout the cars is pretty even :) ~300hp cars are mid 200's, ~400hp cars are in the 300's, 2 very noticeable differences was Bart's GTR & Mikey's GTS-4, down about 150hp on what they have done on other days. There's always a downside to lovely pool & beer weather :)

  11. Heaps of people today, was good to see a big turnout, thanks for coming down everyone & thanks to the Autoworx crew for having us :P

    I think the only sunburn I got today was on the back of my neck... Although I can't see it so I don't know, so if I can't see it, it's not there. Sunburn free day woo!

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