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Posts posted by ossie_21

  1. That's why I asked about the set-up on the last page, I know the big ass fan put in front of the car would bring the intake temp down a bit but just seeing what the go is. I'd be more scared for those doing the driver training on Saturday though :blink:

  2. If you are home most/all the time the car is there, chances are they won't be able to do it easily...garaged is piece of mind but they may try to break into the house for the keys anyway. Don't want to make you more paranoid though but that's what people everywhere have to consider.

    My car isn't visible from the street, but isn't completely enclosed either. One property of my neighbors has a few people living there, and a lot of the time (midweek or weekend), they carry on partying until whatever time they feel like. I can actually hear some chick yelling randomly now...FML

    But anyway, my mum was out the back late one night a couple of weeks ago just watering some plants, and when she got near the fence there was a guy standing on a chair looking over our fence. When my mum was like wtf he asked some random question, but he was obviously wanting to know what's in our backyard, and because that involves my car if I catch one of them having a look over or even trying jumping in I would go ballistic!

  3. Thought I may as well update this, finally took the engine out on Saturday because I wanted to do it in the daytime just in case, but didn't have too much of a problem with it, everything important was already done beforehand. Just myself & my mums boyfriend who helped me out. Went block & tackle style from the patio roof getting it out, worked out to be perfect height for it. There was only a couple of wires to disconnect but as we got it up a bit more they were easier to get to. Would have been easier to take the gearbox out with it as mentioned, but it was possible to leave it in so all good as it was going with the car.

    Now I've got the engine sitting on an old tyre, all I have to do is clean it up a bit & then I'll be able to put it up for sale :) I was going to keep it for another car I was looking at buying that just needed a stronger engine, but the guy sold parts off it so I kept looking for one with most of the mods already, but picked up a series 2 33 last week that has pretty much everything done so now I don't have a use for it.

    Just wanted to say thanks to Chris, Simon & TiTAN for your advice to help me out with doing this, thanks a lot guys :D For me it was a different experience for sure, but I can add that to the list of random things I have now done

    Cheers :D


  4. Those 2 bolts I was talking about were the ones mentioned in Titans post above....brain fail!! Do as he mentioned it should be ok. I did try a spanner lol, didn't happen for me cos they seem to be on farkin tight :thumbsup: Yeah the manifolds will be staying on until I get it out, I just meant from the dump pipe

  5. Just another little update, got the car up on stands tonight after work. Took all the bolts out of the gearbox except 2 I couldn't get to, have to get one of those wobbly connector things to get to them but I think it should be fine. That is the one at the very top & the one on the passenger side to that. Tailshaft is out of the gearbox, couldn't get the engine mounts just yet because my sockets aren't long enough to go onto the nut before it's hitting the bolt. Same with the exhaust manifold....size matters :) Haha but those will be easy enough

    Looks like I'm on track for having it out in the next couple of days, depending on what I can manage to get done at night after I get home from work. Pick-up might be delayed until next weekend anyway so I might not have to rush it but I'd still like to get it done at once & not have to wait. I'd love to be able to have it done in around an hour like mentioned lol, but it's a good experience to do something like this...I just won't be rushing to do it again anytime soon!

    Cheers, Nathan :)

    you'll find that the wires you cant get to might be easier to get to from under the car?

    also, on the alternator side of the loom, you can leave that on the motor and just seperate it from the fusebox at its various connections, this will save you some skinned knuckles

    I'm the first to admit I straight out SUCK when it comes to electrics, but I'm sure even I can trace back a few wires & do it that way :P It's only a few at most anyway thankfully

  6. Well over this weekend I didn't get as much done as I wanted to, but from what I can see it should be all smooth from here. All the hoses are now off & the loom is out of the way on the windscreen. The only problem with that is there are some wires still plugged in that I can't really get to, but I guess I'll just have to get at them as it's coming out bit by bit. And yeah i will be removing the bonnet, I just won't be until it's time for it to come out as I've still had to keep it all covered, but yeah shouldn't have taken off the injector rails but I only learnt that after it was off :D

    Where my car sits in my backyard there is heaps of room at the front of it, so I havent got any dramas with moving an engine crane around :D At the moment I'm really hoping to get it out Tuesday or Wednesday night, that way I'll have enough time to get stuff off the engine that's going with the car. Tomorrow it's going on stands where I can then get underneath properly & have a play around, home stretch now though :D

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