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Everything posted by Chef_32

  1. pretty heavy cars, the handling is farked......... got decent pick up for the size though.... Get a Skyline, thats what your here for...
  2. suppose you got the time.... Just wait and see what happens, might get lucky....
  3. r u goina take pics and stuff, and post them???? give us a rough guess at the costs later on... Good luck!!!
  4. so, what are you bring back from Japan. and interesting interesting??//
  5. So what exactly do you do when you rebuild an engine??? Whats it cost?? DIY??
  6. i'd say you're lookin at about $15-16g. I know you might be expecting more, but truth is, it's all around that price or less these days. Maybe wait a while, until SEVS really kicks in, and then see how much you can get....
  7. Bring me some SARS, i wanna know what all the fuss is about... oh, and 16yo wife, i've never tried one from japan, might be an experience.
  8. cash flow pending, r33 is newer, bigger engine, heavier, more cylinder, more spacious, more comfortable, etc.... depends what your lookin for in a car, what you can afford, and what looks more promising.....
  9. get a superman badge. It'll look mad......... carefule with liquid nails, if it get squeezed around the edges of the badge when you put it on, laters, that shit don't come off easy
  10. theres this sick one for sale on melbccr for 16g with 300rwkw. its blue with gtr rims. no compliance though. take a look. forums.melbccr.com
  11. Looks very nice, but you'll need to find an R32 enthusiast to prick it up, cos all these generic p-platers are all lookin for r33's. To be honest, despite the mods, after bargaining i'd say you're lookin at bout $16 -17g. Best to rip some mods ( cooler, avcr, etc...) but keep the zorst, pod, and some of the system, should get some good cash. K's are a bit over top, from a buyers perspective, i know this guy sellin a mild modded r32, couldn't get $13200 (advertised) a couple of months ago, now ads for $12g cos 125000k's.... I'd be very happy to take it off your hands, but wrong state, over my current price range. Good luck!!
  12. Recent trends have shown a steep decline in the number of curry Camry drivers, this is clearly due to the vast amount of accidents curry camry drivers are involved in. The older gen curry has seemed to broaden his horizens into the corolla class, things change... About the stickered up 33, he says he got it from SEI, says it was a gts25-t, has fully adjustable tein suspension, and Work rims. That's all i know from what he said... I've noticed that most r33's in Glenny are S1 in response to "King" Happy Cup, people, Happy Cup. Things have changed....
  13. Ask like a craft shop Or even ask bunnings they usualy know... Good luck
  14. Yeah, iseen this r32 gts-t in the tradin post for 7g without compliance, very temptin despite the fact that getting copliance would be impossible, or too much of a hassle
  15. I live in glenny. I know the guy wit the NA black 33 stickered up, it used to be turbs but had it ripped coz parents worried. It's nice though. I've also met the guy wit a silver one with chromies, a blue/grey 2 tone, is a friend of mine, and thats bout it. R33's were so sick back in the days before F&F, now they're common enough to be under estimated. That's why i'm personally tryin for a 32 instead, I'm curry 2. R33 is the silvia of tomorrow for curries, that and soarers.
  16. Hey Chopobo, were you at glenny tonight, i thought i saw a r33 like yours parked in front of the chinese restaurant at the bus stop??? BUt yeah, i freek everytime my friend parks his car there, always goes in way too fast
  17. Yeah... that car park at glenny station is ****ed. Cant even see it coming until the last minute. But you get some good air off it if you go fast enough in a normal car, so i've seen...
  18. tell me a bit more about your 32. As i said, i only have about 15g to spend including insurance, etc. I am still yet to get an insurance quote i'm happy with since i'm a on my p's. otherwise i'll give you a call later in the week
  19. Lookin for an r32 gts-t or gts-4 (4wd) in melbourne, Under a hundred k's, manual, turbo timer and air filter would be nice. I got $15000 to play wit incl. insurance on transfer fees Any givers????
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