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Posts posted by SoFreshSoClean

  1. I used to have an SSD as a games drive. Ended up selling it off because all it means is that you get into the game before every other chump and have to wait anyway. :whistling: Plus, I really need more capacity.. at this point I have 576GB of games, and not all of them are installed.

    I play a lot of multi though, I admit an SSD is still way better for single player.

  2. Haha SoFreshSoClean, do you post on MacRumors much, because you sound like that kind of fanboy. Apple were merely the first to successfully market what had always been more of a business niche type of phone to the masses, that is all. Much like how Apple did not invent tablet computing with the Ipad.

    Haha nah dude, I like my Apple stuff but I stand by my point, they put the emphasis on the UI and changed the game for the better.

    That said, my contract runs out in a couple months and my iPhone 4 compares pretty poorly to the SGS3 and HTC One X. I'll still hold out and see what the iPhone 5 is like though.

  3. Just stumbled upon this thread. Any updates?

    If you're trying to gain weight why are you doing cardio? That's just smashing away your calories in vs out for gains, and imo you're better off gaining the weight at a steady rate rather than trying to "lean gain"

    Did you start the 4 day split Birds gave you?

    Is this split upper and lower x 2 a week?

    So many questions..

    It's been a shitty few weeks for exercise. I tweaked my lower back doing deadlifts, and that made doing anything pretty painful for a couple weeks, so I just stopped. Then the end of uni hit hard and I spent a lot of time finishing assignments and crud.

    Last week I spent trying to build back to where I was, definitely feeling much better.. I actually think having a break helped my bench confidence a lot, I'm able to get a few reps of 70kg out now.

    I haven't heard from Birds, so some time this week I'm gonna work a 4 day routine out for myself :)

  4. I can't speak for everyone but it peeves me off that people aren't discerning about what they buy because it will lead to manufacturers only offering inferior products. Therefore those of us that do care about where our money goes will not have the choice of buying a superior or equal but cheaper product. Technological advancement will only happen if supported by us. I would, however, like to say thanks for the boobs :action-smiley-069:

    Good point, but what if no-one bought the original iPhone? We'd all be still kicking around on Nokia/Symbian pieces of crap. The fact is, phones are as good as they are today because of the iPhone.

  5. So it then goes in your CC?

    What did you have to sign up to to get into the real money section? Thing is i guess if you only put in little amounts things will sell. I read some comments on toms hardware basically saying that they dont think that the game and following is strong enough to be similar to WOW character sales as yet. I have seen some sales on here for WOW characters going for $100..... if thats what people are willing to buy some of the equipment for thats it, i am going all out on this game

    It goes to your PayPal :)

    I haven't sold anything yet, but I'll just keep lowering prices. If I make $10 in my whole life out of the game, that's $10 I've made playing videogames.

    I agree that the following is not/may not ever be as big as WoW, but the attraction of real money will bring quite a few people in.

  6. No, my mate's quite smart but he has been sucked in by the Apple bullshit factory.

    He's not up to speed on the hardware side of things. He's a programmer and is really only concerned with code. The Apple guy told him bullshit about the CPU being ZOMGAPPLEONLY! so why shouldn't he believe it?

    f**k Apple.

    A programmer that doesn't know what CPU he has? Yeah, righto... :rolleyes:

  7. Mac books look pretty, shame that's the only positive they have to offer.

    "wheres the right click?"

    What, you have to use 2 hands, like the tools you are.

    Feel sorry for any 1 armed/handed person using mac trying to copy/paste....

    What are you on about? All macs have had right click for years and years..

  8. I hate Apple because they constantly talk shit. My mate, who is not a computer numpty but uses a Mac, was telling me all about his new Pro that he just ordered and how it's got a CPU that's special and only in Apple products and is generations ahead of PC and goes faster than the speed of light and you couldn't build a PC laptop that performs as well for the money and it's instantly on when you open it and the cooling is magical etc, etc.

    I tried telling him it's just an Ivy Bridge chipset and Nvidia GPU with a nice monitor, but he was adamant that it was full of unobtanium for non-Mac users. I said nothing more because it's simply not worth arguing with that kind of mindset.

    Mac = hyper expensive PC with an OS for dummies. Nothing more, nothing less.

    That's not apple's fault, that's just your stupid mate.

  9. if i was going to do bicep curls id be doing barbell,

    I'd have to buy an E-Z curl bar, using a flat bar gives me massive wrist pain for those

    my advice is dont limit yourself to any one routine and weight (use both dumb bell and barbell), change it up every few weeks... for example ive been doing lighter weights with more 3-4 set with reps of 8-10 , as off next week i will be doing a 5x5 routine (5 sets 5 reps)

    Yep, most nights I mix the order up, however I always start with one of the big 3 (squats, d/lifts, bench)

    honestly i dont like routines like yours, i just dont feel like i would be able to hit each body part hard enough only doing 3 sets. Though your starting out so u will see some gains to begin with, once you platau id be changine the routine and making it more intense then 3 times a week...

    Yeah it's been good for a few months but it's almost time to change it up, I might change to 4x a week and a split routine.. I'm not 100% sure how to go about it though

    throw in some pull ups and your golden!

    Yep, I'm gonna get a dip/pull up station ASAP :)

    my tip is to not try and squat, bench and deadlift in the same session... rotate them and put them at the start of your session... so one day you will rock up and do squats, then maybe rows... try and do at least 4+ sets of each then move onto the other movements where you might just do 3 sets... the next session you will start with deadlifts, then do bench... deadlifting will shag your grip and make it hard to do pulling movements for the rest of that session so follow it with some push

    I have been doing all 3 each workout but you do have a point in that I don't think I'm getting the best out of each exercise

    anyway, you'll work out what order works best for you, just try and mix it up a bit... try and add a little weight every week and build up a good strength base before you start any split programs

    I've been doing my best to operate under the mantra of 'if you make the reps, it's time to up the weight'.

    bout the same weight as me. Looks like your body fat % is a little more though. How tall are you roughly?

    I think 173cm. Yeh, not stoked about body fat.

    I agree with the above, that routine doesnt look very challenging. As Joe said you will platau pretty quick (i'd imagine). I also dont see how you can go real heavy on the big lifts you do??

    It's been OK for a few months but you're right it's time to make it harder. Will also add that I play indoor beach volleyball once a week, and have also started running twice a week for 15-20 mins. Saturdays I do an extra set of everything. Wouldn't mind getting into HIIT though!

    Do you go gym or just workout at home? What is your diet like to begin with?

    I workout at home. Currently I've got a bench and a squat rack, but I'm also getting a dip/pull up station. My diet is pretty spot on during the week, not so much on the weekend :/

    Uni finishes up for the semester this week so that's one less thing to worry about also!

  10. Well now seems as good a time as any to make one of these things!

    I've been a skinny bastard all my life.. I remember Mum telling me she was stoked when I worked at Maccas in highschool because that was the only thing that got me to put on weight.

    I started doing weights about 18 months ago.. but due to a combination of lack of knowledge, lack of dedication and unsuitable diet I didn't really make any progress.

    For a while there I did get pretty serious about running, I was running 25km a week (and wondering why I couldn't put on weight :P ). When I finished I weighed about 64kg.

    However, since February I've been going pretty hard at it and I've managed to put on about 7kg.. There's a bit of fat that has come with it, but the way I see it I've still got more to gain from building my physique than worrying too much about my stomach for now.

    Here's me now:


    At the advice of some of the guys here, I've been doing this workout 3x a week. My buddy has been coming over to train with me, and that has also really helped.

    3 sets of each

    Barbell Squats 75kg

    Barbell Bench Press 60kg

    Barbell Bent Over Rows 55kg

    Barbell Military Press (Behind Head) 40kg

    Dead Lifts 85kg

    Dumbbell Bicep Curl 16kg

    Body-Weight Dips


    As far as goals go, I guess around 80kg with low body fat would be nice! I'm mainly doing it for appearance, as well as general health.

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