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Posts posted by SoFreshSoClean

  1. Tonight LucasArts debuted the new Star Wars: 1313, a third-person action adventure game starring a bounty hunter stalking targets on the capital of the Republic, Coruscant. Billed as a "mature" Star Wars title, 1313 takes you deep into the seedy underworld of a densely populated planet, giving you access to an array of "exotic weaponry" in your quest to take down targets and "uncover the truth surrounding a criminal conspiracy."

    Gameplay apparently involves a lot of cover-based shooting, as well as platforming as you battle your way through the dangerous and titular Level 1313. LucasArts is also bringing in a wide-range of talent for the project, utilizing the many arms of the Lucasfilm business. Industrial Light & Magic, Skywalker Sound and Lucasfilm Animation will all be contributing.


    Stolen from IGN. Sauce

    Hopefully it is as awesome as it sounds!

  2. you're still not understanding what I meant.

    lets say you were on your 3rd set, and you did your 4th rep.

    went down for the 5th, pressed and got half way up and couldn't get it any further, and the bar started to go downwards to crush you, your spotter should grab and lift it up, then rack it.

    Saying he is not helping much and making you do another 3 past your sticking point is obviously not making you stronger or bigger because you've had the same issue for the past 6 weeks as you have said yourself.

    The definition of Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result.

    sitting or standing

    if sitting, with back support or without?

    When I said DIPS, I meant


    Dude I know what you meant.. the spotter shouldn't be there to help me get the rest of the set out, and I know that. It's not 'insane' to work at something and hope it will improve, that's the nature of what we are all doing lifting weights. Unfortunately I have hit a plateau, so that's why I've been asking for advice on what to change.

    I do them standing, without support.

    Yeh, I do dips like the second picture. I don't have a proper dip station at home yet.

  3. On the side, IMO, 3 sets isn't enough for you. You have issues with stamina, which is why you're dying off rapidly afterwards. Your warm up set is the same weight as your max weight set and this is a problem - your third set is next to useless if your friend has to help you out that much. You need to mix it up so you don't burn out too quickly and your muscles break down gradually. Warm up on 50kg, second set at 55, third at 60 and do an experimental 4th at 65.

    Yeah you may have a point. My training buddy and I do an extra set of everything on Saturday just to push a bit harder, but I could incorporate this for bench every time.

    Just to go slightly off topic here... but you need to understand that a "spotters" role is to prevent you from getting squashed under a bar.

    his/her job is not to help you do the last 4 reps of a set while stroking your ego by yelling "All you bro".

    if you are getting 8, 6, 4 reps at 60 and the last set is being assisted for 4 reps, it's useless (as can bee seen by the no increase in the last 6 weeks).

    Try some of the suggestions (higher reps with less weight, less reps with higher weight)

    But it might also be something simple like not enough rest between sets.

    in a commercial gym it's a bit hard to sit around for 3 minutes between sets but sometimes you need to.

    Is Bench press the first exercise for the night? if not, try doing it first.

    finally, weak bench can mean weak triceps and or delts.

    bench press is as much tricep and delts as it is chest.

    How much can you press over head?

    can you do bodyweight dip? if so, how many?

    how much weight can you lift with close grip bench press etc.

    You're right, but my mate tells me that he is barely adding any effort, so I am almost there..

    I am up to 40kg military press behind the head, again 3 sets of 8.

    Dips I have only started doing recently, but I put 20kg in my lap otherwise I find them too easy.

  4. Reps. Work on getting 50kg for 20 reps, then 55kg for 20 reps, at that stage you will smash 60kg.

    I had the same problem with 100kg. I got 80kg for 12 then next thing I know I've pumped out 100kg for 4, massive PB for me and demolished the mental block.

    Cheers man, that's a good idea!

    If the block is actually mental, what is the characteristic of it? Obsession with a certain number of reps? Fear the bar will drop? Knowing you can't get past it and thinking about this while counting up the numbers?

    Don't change for dumbells or change the incline, this is circumventing the problem rather than addressing it.

    How many reps are you doing on 60kg during the successful set and how many are you getting out during the "failed" sets? If you are clocking 10 on the first, I recommend upping the weight on the third set to 65kg. You will obviously do less reps, but this can help you over a mental block because you're not expecting to push out many reps on the higher weight. Eventually you will find 10 much easier to clock on the second set, because A. your muscles will grow to accommodate and B. 60kg will feel comparatively lighter and you'll know you're capable of lifting more.

    It is a very common plateau, especially on bench press - sometimes has a lot to do with the mentality of pressing a bar that could fall on you if you fail. Try not to let the frustration of pushing out less reps and the feeling of going "backwards" get to you. It can really depress you, especially if it was your favourite exercise. When you are at your physical limits for exertion, the difference between an extra rep can be the sleep you had the night before, the food you ate during the day and your temperament etc. You will have on and off days, but the more frustrated you get, the more you will go backwards through rushed technique and mental anguish. So learn to accept it as a normal part of exercise and just try different methods to overcome it.

    It's just that I feel I've been doing the same weight for a while now.. about 6 weeks, and I feel like I'm not moving forward which makes me frustrated. Then I start freaking out about my form and over-thinking it. It's not a fear of dropping the bar because my mate is there to catch it.

    As far as reps go, I'm doing 8, then 6, then 4 without assistance. My buddy helps me get the full set out so I'm still doing 3 sets of 8.

    Yeah thats a good idea, I might up the weight to say 70.. and get my mate to help me through the sets, which could 'recalibrate' my brain about what I think is heavy.

  5. This may be a stupid question, but what's the best way to get over 'mental' blocks?

    I seem to be stuck on 60kg barbell flat bench.. I can get the first set out but struggle to finish the other two without assistance. I even feel like I'm going backwards slightly. Every other exercise I am progressing nicely so I don't think it's my diet.

    The obvious answer I guess would be just to change it up and switch to dumbbells/change the incline. I'm just interested to see if anyone else has encountered this 'block', and how they got over it?

  6. What 'hassle' is there in using a Mac? I seriously do not understand. My 2010 MBP was used for Photoshop, word processing, music recording, games, movies, video editing, music etc etc and I think it froze about twice in the whole time I owned it. It literally did not skip a beat.

    Had no compatibility issues, no driver issues, battery lasted twice as long as all my mates laptops, awesome trackpad, great screen, excellent multitasking performance, the list goes on.

    You guys must be seriously dedicated to hating Apple if you can't see the modern OSX experience as anything but a great, polished alternative to Windows.

    When you're talking enterprise I see your point, but for the home user OSX is freakin awesome.

  7. This game is constantly online, so even in a private game by yourself you are dependent on a constant connection to battle.net . Because item drops, characters, etc comes from the server side congested servers or a bad connection can bugger the whole thing up. Hoping it is better when I get home tonight.

    Yeah I have a network monitor and you can watch the traffic spike right up when you sell heaps of stuff.. I'm guessing that's why there's a slight delay when you click sell.

    I've had no lag issues so far, weird.

  8. Yeah it's pretty fun. I don't like having to log in every time but I guess them's the breaks.

    Also a little surprised at how demanding it seems to be considering the graphics aren't super-amazing. I mean there's fantastic use of colour and effects but the models aren't very detailed.

    Even with a 2500K + 6950 i notice occasional stuttering with max settings.

  9. Sure.

    Apple became worth more on a market cap basis cause they have hoarded every penny they've earned. They haven't paid a dividend since 1995! Every other company on earth actually gives back to their shareholders. Apple doesn't. If Microsoft were never legislated out of existence in the 90's and they took back every penny they have ever paid out in dividends, acquisitions, so on and so forth they'd be about 100 times more valuable than Apple.

    Apple products are cheap, nasty shit (or simply a PC) dressed up in faggotty clothes and sold to people who don't know better. I find it hilarious that you call people who hate Apple elitist. That's akin to Hitler calling Churchill a fascist.

    Maybe you haven't heard, Apple are set to pay out a shit-ton of money to their investors over the next few years. Whoever invested is about to become filthy stinking rich.

    Have you actually owned any Apple products recently? Almost everything they make is very good quality (earphones are a bit dud I'll give you that).

    Plus yeah, the elitist thing goes both ways you know...

  10. If I had a dollar for every elitist asshole who hates on macs/iThings....

    Apple didn't become worth more than Microsoft and Google combined by making shitty products. The fact is that the experience of owning pretty much any apple product is a pleasure and incredibly painless (not to mention they have very effective marketing). Every Apple product I've ever bought has never missed a beat.

    That said, enterprise is not their strength, but for the home user they're great.

  11. I have a Kobo wifi.. it's fine for reading but I have never used the wifi because it's reaaaaally slow.

    Mine cost $90 but I would probably recommend getting a Kindle/tablet.

    Have actually been using my iPad lately though.. it's pretty good but the eBook reader is definitely easier to read for long periods of time.

  12. 2. Eat meat and pasta until you're crapping twice a day.

    Fkn lol, that's one thing you never realise until you start eating a ton :rofl:

    People weigh themselves because it's difficult to get a sense of progress.. When you see yourself every day it can seem like you're going nowhere. You are right though, it's the weight you're lifting that counts the most.

  13. Good news.. I've reached 70kg!! :)

    I've been using the basic workout you guys recommended earlier. Also a mate has started working out with me, so we're definitely pushing much harder.

    Been going strong since Feb so it's pretty much dead on 2kg gain a month, couldn't be happier!!

    Cheers for the advice dudes, now onto 75... :cheers:

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