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Everything posted by JieLine

  1. JieLine

    Gtr Or Gtt?

    Must say, that GTR is haaaaaawwwwtt
  2. Anyone notice how the gallardo's interior looks identical to the murcielago's?
  3. http://www.j-spec.com.au/list/index.php?ID=11367 Pretty cheap for a Nur spec ay?
  4. Yeh happens to me too, changed the gapping of the plugs and it was ok, but if its not that, then its the coil packs
  5. For those who want to know what it will look like http://www.gtr-world.net/press/r35gtr-spec...sue/?itemid=688 Wide and sexy!
  6. Nothing official about the weight though ay?
  7. If a koneiggseggalaleg can do a 9, im guessing that a veryon could too?
  8. I got a CATCO one from a group buy, its very good Apparently the Metal Cat brand ones are good too and these are much cheaper than big named ones.
  9. Bad luck man, I think this could happen pretty easy to myself... I seriously drive like the biggest grandma on wet roads heh
  10. Yeah interested, would these fit well on standard R33 GTST and are you willing to freight to wa?
  11. A 2008 GTR is a poor mans porsche 911T? ... Oh so off topic now
  12. Oh so your telling me you have driven an evo x? Wow tell me how it was... How about you read what your talking about, because going by what you have said, your basing these comments on past evos. The evo 9 has a peak torque at 355Nm at 3500rpm, which is 65Nm less than the quoted spec of the evo X. So I suppose I can't say that the evo X will have exactly what the brochure states, but then again neither can you until you have actually drove it
  13. This is the Evo X we are talking about here and going by the numbers from this: http://wheelsmag.com.au/wheels/site/articl...A257344001A46EC From the info provided, and the graph shown on the engine page, 300Nm is seen from 2000 rpm, and 420Nm is seen at 3500 rpm, i think thats enough torque for everyday driving ay?
  14. Ive heard they smashed a window in the house and grabbed the keys which were placed on the table... immobilizer aint gonna stop that one
  15. Hey im in the same position. Just wondering stated above says 8.5 all around with +32 offset, will +35 offset make much difference, because the rim im currently looking at doesnt have +32... only +30, +33, +35 and +38 I have no real clue about offsets at all, so dont know what will fit the best. Any help will be great!
  16. So whats the point? Im happy the gtr is priced at 95k, thats reasonable... If it was 150k that would be another story...
  17. I thought you pay full price, then they send you the new valve body. Once you install it, you send your old one back to them and they reimburse you? I may be mistaken though
  18. Kelmscott ay, thats pretty close! Might have a look into him when i need to change my pads
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