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Posts posted by Jay019

  1. was there some snow blowing over the car or something? :/

    I asked the dude what they judge on, he went on about the rule of 3rds like it was the most important thing to a photo.

    he said I should never shoot into the sun. (which it one of my favorite things to do) So i got marked down for shooting into the sun AND maintaining a good exposure through the shot.

    what the f**k is an idiot like that doing judging a photography competition? seriously??? i bet the daft bastard hasnt heard of golden sections, negative space, leading lines or the fibonacci spiral. *sigh x1000*

    its people like him that make me realize a career as a cleaner isnt that bad. even tho im not having much luck getting a job in that industry, but fingers crossed... got a few applications in at the moment.

  2. ^ Man that looks crazy!!! What happened?

    the news said it was a waste oil centre that went up in flames. we just heard heaps of sirens and then noticed the black smoke so went to have a look.

  3. anyway thanks for the advice Jay, not sure the landscape format would have made a difference with my tiny camera but i WILL try it out next time im at a similar stop to see if it makes any impression on the final result.

    how much spelunking do you do in those caves? gotta take balls that, no fear of getting caught by a flash flood or giant rat ala' fallout3?

    your right, it might not work, but experimentation is the key. sometimes its the things you think wont work that actually do.

    the 'cave' here is just a big tunnel under a road. so no risk of getting caught out really.

  4. 421906_10150580340666537_151538291_n.jpg

    i think this is the better of the two personally. although, the longer leading line (station platform) in the other one works well. shot in landscape format would have worked well to emphasize the bend in the track.

    went out for a bit tonight...


    gah, they really need to do some weeding :P spewing my camera has a 15 second exposure limit. probably should have sat around stacking 20 or so pics to get star trails, but would have got bored.


    next time im taking my gumboots, lol. not 100% on this one, got a mix of different light in it so the color is a bit wak down the bottom.

  5. sterling work as usual Jay and Matt, i dont know how you guys keep doing it, inspiring me to get a proper DLSR camera one day.....one day.

    cheers Pat (and everyone else giving me props) but I havent owned a DSLR since 2010. this G12 is fairly close to a DSLR tho with its manual controls.

    i have a job interview today for a web programming position (just a contract, but its a start) so hopefully i can start a new fund for a new camera.

    as a bonus this position could involve some photography work, even if its just taking pics of products for the website.

  6. Jay that topic pic looks epic, but you already knew that cheers.gif

    aw cheers man, but there is still room for improvement on that one. bits forgotten and a bit more light, but I am pretty happy with the way it turned out anyway.

    Jay the two shots you posted look incredible. The first shot of the graffiti is wow. Im assuming the edges were light painted right?

    cheers sidd, yeah the edges were light painted, as was most of the inside of it, just not as bright as i had hoped.

    took a couple of panos today. both hand held and quick and dirty, but thats how i roll, lol.



    i couldnt get far enough back on this so it was shot with a wide angle. it did have the whole car in it except for the very last shot so i had to crop it a bit.

    loving the variety of shots in this thread, keep up the top work everyone!

  7. IMG_8172_resize.jpg

    love this shot Sidd. Its only recently that I've started to appreciate wider angle shots in places where the norm is to get in close.


    Such an awesome location! lights made a slightly harsh shadow tho, no diffusion?

  8. even easier is to just have the camera take a long exposure at the time you think lightening might flash. 80/100 ISO, f22, 5-10 sec etc. only issue with this method is if there is too much lightening, but you can always put your hand or something in front of the lens to 'stop' the exposure. ive seen some epic shots from lightening triggers, there was a vid somewhere, i'll try and find it again

    EDIT: i guess this would only work at night tho, lol

  9. JAY GOTZ A J.O.B.??????????????????????? f**kIN RAD!!!!!!!!! Good work man. Nice shots too :D

    cheers, but its 'jay had a job'. being a hopeless labourer my services are no longer required, lol.

  10. Jay - that pano is just WOW!!! incredible. DUDE seriously print this please and hang it up!!

    cheers man, i would love to have a wide format printer to print stuff like this at home. that would be sweet.

    took this quick and dirty 6 shot auto exposure handheld pano today on the way to picking kids up from school.


    (click click)

  11. first time in a while ive been able to get outside while the sun sets


    took another a bit later, but missed a few spots. tried to fix it, but its a bit obvious, lol


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