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Everything posted by chubs

  1. nah feels good still surprisingly lol loving at the moment looks like i might get 600ks out of this tank which is bout 100-150 more than normal. ah the things you do to show your mum you love them
  2. yeah man but still made my heart sink into my stomach hearing my baby screaming and whining like that was like nails on a chalk board. Ive told mum when she buys her mx5 coz she wants a manual that i will have to re teach her how to drive one properly.
  3. Im sure my car is going to hate me after this morning. Had the 33 for about a year and a half and decided its mothers day so what the hell. Mums been looking at buying a small sports car for herself (mx5 mainly). So i thought i would let her drive the line for a while this morning. Well she hastn driven a manual in about 5 years apparently, needless to say clutch got rode a fair bit but at one point i just about shit bricks she was almost on the limiter riding the clutch, anybody else i would have screamed my head off but she was pretty nervous as it was. The clutch smell was so bad took 5 mins to get out of the car. All seems good though i got her to swap back with me and took her for a spirited drive. really enjoyed herself. anyways just thought i would vent that lil
  4. so what makes doing a line lock in your friends cardboard mansion cool i have to ask? if u wanna smoke em up go out to a burnout comp or better yet learn to drift. stop being a tool line locks cause so much damaging stress on your ride why would you want to. now turn around so i can slap you in the back of the head
  5. black 32 gtst at the spit today very clean loved the rims. parked the 33 next to you but when i came back you had left thought the cars looked pretty schmik together. and also a 34 4 door silver 2 females pretty sure it was debadged and looked stock on ipswich road and granad road.
  6. hey mate interested could you pm me a price incl. shipping to brisbane 4112 please and some pics of tread if possible. thanks chubs.
  7. spotted 2 today 1st was a gun metal grey 32 gtst on boundary road off beaudesert road i pulled out of side street and ended up behind you. 2nd was along beenliegh road a silver 33gtst plates 0NY01 was cruising behind you for a while till you turned near vid ezy. was in the white 33
  8. definately sounds like some good help. just checked out there web site and think i shall be taking my 33 there soon for its service. any idea how much it would be for a service and to give the engine a once over to make sure all is well?
  9. cant believe your seriously asking for places to drift on the streets mate. But if you are at least go do it in a shit box commodore least that way you wont be adding to the bad rep we already have associated with skylines (ie we are all hoons) which your question would suggest. But as for places if you really wanna make it interesting i suggest out front of your local cop shop
  10. hey mate that is bad. my S2 has a pod, front mount, and zorst and i still get bout 500 from a tank. Is the car new to you or have you had it for a while? As if its new for you i guarantee as said here already ease up on the old right foot (god knows i went through like 5 tanks of fuel in the first 2 weeks i had mine) other than that service it if u dont know how long ago it was done. especially check for dirty airfilters and gunked up intakes had isue like this with previous cars you would be surprised the effect a dirty filter can cause after a while. but im still gonna finnish by sayin ease up on the right foot
  11. hey mate i have a set for a 33. there is not much to them they are skinny as and dont do much. but if u interested in them pm me with an offer as i not sure what they worth at all eh.
  12. spotted numerous skylines on thursday night on Reedy Creek road in Reedy Creek between 1900 and midnight. but if any of you are on here you are the biggest bunch of wankers. road works have signs for a reason so we who are working are a lil bit safer. its dangerous enough without you all hooning past tring to drop skidds to look cool. made me kind of ashamed to drive a skyline to be honest. no wonder the rest of us get a bad rep. end rant
  13. no offence mate but i remember seeing this car on either Jspec or imports 101 and looks like just a copy paste so does seem like a trader ad.
  14. Hey mate i assume your talkin about the plastic splash guards? Had mine come off coming down the motorway a while ago. dont think you will get picked on for it but it prevents rocks flicking up and making outward dents on your guards and water from getting to few places and more likely to get rust. But good luck picking one up i havent found one yet and been lookin for months
  15. looks like a bogan stole his 25det and left a massive turd in the engine bay
  16. yeah thought i saw you chuckling as you overtook me. must admit the car is very quiet probably bout on par with the noise levels on mine.
  17. spotted blue R34 on ipswich motorway nrth bound just after the darra on ramp. plates were R34GTT. was cruising behind u up until the granad road exit
  18. yeah pretty sure was a silver one behind me. i drove out behind was it 20ick or something the metallic purple 33
  19. hey guys wasnt a bad day. just wish i didnt have to drive out there with my front bar in such a crappy state. ( i was the white 33 with the black advans) some nice lookin lines out there though.
  20. yeah i usually down that road same time mate. i am working at that Pollaris data centre being built in springfield over near the orion? shopping centre. finish up this friday though i think.
  21. i should be coming but my question is where is the meet point at around cleveland point going to be. just saves me driving all the way out to yatla and heading back.
  22. spotted a silver 33 out near Camira/Springfield around 630-645 this morning plates were &*033 not sure of letters i got a wave. if your on here i did wave back just bit of a slow reaction for me this morning still getting used to early wakeups.
  23. similar thing happend to me last sunday when i was parked on side street while i was at the pa hospital. come back to the car to find a note and that i had been reversed into with a nice towball punch in my front bar. however they did leave a contact number. which i thought was very unusual these days as the last car i saw with a note on it said "hey mate i hit your car but you can go get f&*(ed". i got some quotes but they only seemed to offer me after market front bars and i rather like the one i have. so i spoke to a mates old man and for half the price of a new one i can fix my bar and she is paying for it. works out well as i can fix the other part of it that was driveway damaged as well. but as far as for where to park look for other skylines. if i see a park next to another one i dont care how far i have to walk at least i know they wont go bangin into me. (well thats the hope anyways)
  24. saw mine parked at my parents place when i was muckin around on there ages ago. felt kinda wierd to be honest.
  25. well im guessin this is what you are talking about? looks completely homo if u ask me. and +1 with all those who agree its just another target for the cops to get you on.
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