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Everything posted by cereal

  1. The Z4 is a very sexy car & i would take one over a crappy boxster anyday....... I think the 3.0L will give gts-t's a run for their money.......Then they'll bring out an 'M' model.
  2. BOXSTER????? Why buy half a Porsche? I know you said you'd buy the GTR but just the word Boxter makes me angry. There is nothing I hate more than the Porsche Boxster. "The claytons Porsche"
  3. Only if you're playing no-limit Texas Hold 'em........ I will own you all!!!! :lol:
  4. WORK???? You're kidding right?
  5. TRUE!!!! The 80's sucked more d*ck than a 50c hooker....... The 00's suck ass aswell. I can guarantee that in a few years people will be looking back at the fashions going around now & saying sh*t about how butt ugly it all is........just like we do with the 80's now.
  6. Damn Skippy.....We need more people online again!!! Work sucks ass now I can't be on SAU all day.........I get so goddamn bored!!!!!
  7. WHO'S COMING????? Me & Loz were at Maloney's until 3 this morning, it's a cool place and Galaxy World is just upstairs for some Battle Gear drift action........ AND we can go to the Pavilion for some skanks!!!!!!
  8. I'm sort of back online.....I can access the site via an anonymous proxy server but it's hella slow & frustrating.
  9. I must say that I do enjoy a bit of exhaust pipe action. Why do you think I had to buy a Super Drager with a 5" tip?:lol: :lol:
  10. I finish work at 11 & will definately be there afterwards........
  11. cereal


    David wouldn't even tell ME where he hid the alarm in my 'line......:lol: I would recommend Into Sound to anyone. They're extremely good at what they do and they're a bunch of really nice guys too....... Actually, I'm a little scared to go back there because David said he would kill me if i sold my car with the system still in it......
  12. But Minh will look so skinny next to you Loz.......:lol: :lol:
  13. So who's coming on Friday??? The more the merrier!!
  14. If your petty little 2wd, single throttle bodied toy can catch my 4wd hardcore hatchback of pain then you can try & pry the rims off at 180 km/h.........:shake: :shake:
  15. I think fuel pressure regulators give a little bit of extra fuel economy & extra power......
  16. ummm.....nick, do you mind sticking to the topic of Loz's assignment or my belly button lint. It's not like we're here to talk about cars........
  17. Loz.....Did u get your assignment done?
  18. Just tune our cars to run on Low Octane fuel....... They'll be a hell of a lot slower, but at least we'll still be able to drive........ Or hopefully they'll start drilling the Trillions of litres of oils that's in the east timor sea (You don't think Johnny Howard offered all that help to East Timor out of the goodness of his heart do you?). Apparently the amount of oil they're sitting on rivals the Middle East......I've also heard rumours that Siberia is sitting on a bit of an oil goldmine too.......
  19. You people are like a pack of vultures........ But seriously........I Luv Ya's All!!!!
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