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Everything posted by AlphA

  1. Is it legal to have 15 video cameras installed in your shop and record your employees 24/7 ? Plus stream that video signal over the internet to your home and watch them on your home TV / Computer monitor ? Then when you not sure what they are doing call them up and ask them what they are doing and why a customer left the shop without an item. Just wondering.. Seems my mate who has taken over this shop is getting a bit power hungry and fellow employees are starting to question if he can question there every move and invade privacy like this. I'm questioning this privately if you know anyone that actually knows the law in regards to this I would appreciate some advice. Cheers.
  2. True: Get your hands on a RB20DET loom and ECU PM: DENVER, I think he had one at some stage and might have it floating around.
  3. Id go with a trusty old IBM XT Think of the positives: 1. Its a powerful X86 prossesor ! 2. Bill Gates swears that you will never need to upgrade the RAM. 3. It would look hot with NEONs
  4. And that my friend... Wins you the!! That Really Grinds My Gears Grumbler of the Week Trophy! Tara and I have a 1month only bub and I remember going to King Edward for visits, couldn't believe how many pregnant girls I would see standing out the front smoking.. Makes me sick.. Should get a $250 fine on the spot for smoking around your baby or when your pregnant.. Guess the p0lice are to busy giving hard working people fines for doing 89 on a highway when its just dropped down from 100 -> 80
  5. AlphA

    Vx Burnout

    Tehehehehehe Made me laugh..
  6. I spotted one in Bentley when your heading towards the city ( On the right hand side of the road just after you pass the Bentley Shell Petrol station/subway ) its in a vacent block where people sometimes try and sell cars, you can see it from the road. I think its a sign.... They will be back to abduct me again soon..
  7. AlphA

    Job Offer

    PM me or post up some more details, (hours/ times) and what is the pay per year before tax. I have a mate very interested and I could even consider it.. need a change and this might be the way 2 go.. (is this a fixed term contract or an ongoing employment) Cheers! - Adam
  8. And that my friend... Wins you the!! That Really Grinds My Gears Grumbler of the Week Trophy! Damn Junk email.... Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr...
  9. Yeah but she threw up on me.. LoL Uncle Dan The Man..
  10. hahaha Ahh its not that bad at all mate! She is sleeping 20+hours a day at the moment anyway.. When she gets a little older it might be a different story! LoL
  11. Hehe Thanks!! She is so cute!! Better start looking at those good old 4 door R34's again hey!!
  12. Getting a parking ticket because my wife was giving birth to our first child after a 3 day labour + a trip in an Ambo at 2am from Armidale hospital to King Edward. I'll tell you what you can do with this parking fine... You can... Mmmmffmmmmnnnmmfffnnnmfffnnn... *shakes fist in air*
  13. 2027 Type R should do her just fine! Lets hope it hovers..
  14. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=grctMWe16f4 Haha!! Love that clip! Cheers guys! She sure has taken my heart!!! Mum lost a bit 2 much blood and had some complications along the way but is under close watch and should be home with Chelsea on Friday.
  15. Chelsea was born at King Edward Hospital on Sunday the 14th at 10:27am Mum had it a bit rougher than expected but is making a good recovery! Chelsea's a little one but a strong one!
  16. MmmMMMmMMMmmm... I liked the white ones. But the black does make it look like a drift pig I supose
  17. Not having my full pay go in. Telling them they are $300 short and then having them not pickup the phone for the rest of the day. Nice...
  18. And that my friend... Wins you the!! That Really Grinds My Gears Grumbler of the Week Trophy!
  19. Ahh you funny guy you.. Go play in the rust with your Datsun.
  21. Turbo? Thats a cheap cheap price Nizmo!! Cheeeeeaap Cheeeaappp...
  22. Excel goes Bang. End review.
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