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Soon To Be R33 Owner


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hi all

As im about to enter the world of r33 gts-t powah, which fuels do i use and stay away from ?

Im not to sure on the whole turbo/fuel usage story, as i've never owned a hi-performance car.

Is using regular unleaded bad ? if so why ?

Thanks in advance.


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The main concern with fuel for an engine is the octane rating (RON).

Going down in octane makes the fuel burn easier, to the point where it can catch fire on its own (pre-ignition). This is extremely damaging to your engine because the fuel burns in a shock wave rather than in a controlled flame front.

Skylines were designed around Jap fuel which is 100RON. 98RON is fine, going any lower will make your ECU work overtime to avoid pre-ignition (pinging).

I have heard of people running regular unleaded and thrashing the balls off their car but honestly, I would not touch the car with a leper's dick. It's testament to nissan's engineering that the car still goes but mechanical sympathy says 98RON or higher.

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isn't extreme the 5~10% blend? i use the United 10% 98 octane fuel but will go back to BP. The price difference isn't worth the pwr decline.

Extreme is a 5% Blend of Ethanol. And According to Sydney Kid, same power as BP Ultimate, without the Knock.

He's been running it for about 3 months now i think.

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