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My Auto Tranny & Dash Went Crazy Tonight!


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I was driving along tonight and all of a sudden i noticed my Tacho bouncing up and down, then my VCS and Slip lights came on, then my speedo stopped working and when i put my indicator on it would cut in an out - ie not tick properly. Then the car gave a big thud from the tranny as it shifted gear - so i think its highly likely the Auto ECU wasnt changing the tranny properly as it couldnt get a correct RPM reading. I put my foot down and it didnt down shift. When i pulled up to lights it abruptly changed into 1st. I turned the car off and back on again and all was normal. Later on in the evening the dash started doing the same thing, and the tranny started not shifting properly (with the dash going funky etc). I then put the Auto into the Manual mode but the dash Drive Gear symbol didnt update, and the number of the gear didnt display. I could push - or + and nothing would happen, I then put the car in Reverse and the display still read D, but the car reversed OK - I then moved it back down to D and the Auto Check light quickly blinked on and off. All the time VCS OFF and SLIP were illuminated.

It has been raining here but other than that I cannot think of any other reason for this to happen.

Could it be the Dash itself on the blink? I assume like some Nissans the speedo and RPM go via the dash before going to the ECUs? If thats the case it would explain the tranny going haywire, but I dunno about the VCS off and SLIP. I tried pressing VCS but the light stayed on.

Any insight would be great!


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ive noticed in the wet in the last few days when the vdc is on and the wheels spin a bit and the slip light comes on and it stops spining but the slip light then stays on and the vdc off light stays on aswell even when you try to turn it on. when you then turnoff the car they turn off and its ok, until the vdc kicks in again.

I belive mine are just error codes that a scanner will pick up and fix, due to all the electrical work carried out on it recently.

They that thud you are talking about i never had but i would get that checked out imidiatly.

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read the owners manual.The infiniti one says any probs with the vdc or gearbox and it will go into 'safe mode'

untill it is restarted,to protect the transmission.

i agree that u should get it checked asap-and get the oil changed as well.

hopefully they have the correct diagnostic program to check the electrics etc at your local nissan dealer???

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Ive found what could have possibly been the issue, I have no battery cover so there was half an ocean sitting around the main wiring loom where it runs under the battery. The past few days have been fine so no rain, and the tranny is performing normally. I am going to have to price up a battery cover me thinks!

The thud was probably from the jerkyness of the gearshifting. But having the whole dash go haywire says something was going funky everywhere!


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i have seen a similar issue with my auntie's hyundai sonata. out of nowhere the dash started to go aywire, dropping gauges down to zero then flipping up to max etc.

turned out to be the negative terminal of the battery wasn't making good contact..

the water might have been screwing up the battery somehow.. get a cover over the battery! what happened to the stock cover?

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Raining again tonight and after an hours drive in the rain my girlfriend steps out of the car with one wet shoe. Interesting... i had a bit of a look up the footwell and low and behold I see water dripping down the wiring looms! I dare not look behind the ECU cover just incase im in for a shock. Sh!t.

Is there anywhere for the water to come into the cabin?. I mean der, of course there must be somewhere but im not sure where. Possibly thru that air vent behind the battery (i think thats what it looks like). Would it come through there if I had no battery cover? Better yet, i wonder how water is getting down there...



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Raining again tonight and after an hours drive in the rain my girlfriend steps out of the car with one wet shoe. Interesting... i had a bit of a look up the footwell and low and behold I see water dripping down the wiring looms! I dare not look behind the ECU cover just incase im in for a shock. Sh!t.

Is there anywhere for the water to come into the cabin?. I mean der, of course there must be somewhere but im not sure where. Possibly thru that air vent behind the battery (i think thats what it looks like). Would it come through there if I had no battery cover? Better yet, i wonder how water is getting down there...




Did you get a warranty from C-Red when you bought it? Might pay to go back and ask them for the battery cover and to see if while they were doing all the mods wether or not they might have taken a cover off around the ecu unit etc and forgot to put it back, might be a simple thing and save you alot of stuffing around.

P.S. I hear the guy in the meat van loved your sound as well :) .


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