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Cheap Aftermarket Seats, Those Justjap Replica Recaro's, Sparco, Bride


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Ok they're actually pitch black in colour but the flash + material seems to shine back and make em appear grey. But yea good seats.

And FYI i cbf cropping it etc.. so I just hit print screen lol

they look awesome!!

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Ok they're actually pitch black in colour but the flash + material seems to shine back and make em appear grey. But yea good seats.

And FYI i cbf cropping it etc.. so I just hit print screen lol

Wicked thanks for that Ignuz

Ok I think I'm sold, yeah I think they look great.

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Considering you can pickup the Bride style seats on the forum for $350 Per Pair - Its hardly surprising that installation would be in some cases as much or more than the seats, depending obviously on who does the install and how much they decide to charge.

$350 for a pair of seats, in anyones language is nothing.

Nice, had a look in the Justjap racing for sale section couldn't find the seats there, could you lead me in the right direction Blitz for the 350 deal, thanks

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Nice, had a look in the Justjap racing for sale section couldn't find the seats there, could you lead me in the right direction Blitz for the 350 deal, thanks

I think there is a thread somewhere in Just Japs trader subsection, but here is the URL they give you anyway.


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Has any one on here got the leather ones?Pics? I sat in a pair of the black leather ones about a year ago from just jap and they were very comfortable. I've been meaning to buy a pair for quite a while now but money always seems to be spent elsewhere on the car....

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i put a set of JustJap recaro copies in a previous car. definately dont hold in nearly aswell as the real recaros and arent as comfy.

the universal rails are pretty crap and i didnt use them... just modified original rails. U will have to do some welding at some point to get them in.

but for the money you cant complain... they are pretty cheap looking but thats cos they are cheap!! looking at the bride copies they look more supportive than recaros.

personally, next time i will fork out the extra cash for the real thing as you cant compare them!

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