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Debadge R33

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well i have not just the GTS25 sticker, but a V-Spec sticker aswell! (someone thought they were cool in japan :P )

both are in pretty bad shape, best solution i think is to get them off completely, but just a question of how and what to use?

if anyone out there has done this (and im sure therel be someone) give us some advice on what to do and itl be much appreciated :D

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As suggested above, probably use a hair-dryer as heat gun may cause your paint to crack if you aim and flame too long.

Then, get some polishing liquid and polish it until it blends in with the paint... then give it a good wash and you may find it's all gone.

Gotta say, the VSPEC looks pretty professionally put on - but I agree, gotta go as it's a bit 'try-hard.'

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As suggested above, probably use a hair-dryer as heat gun may cause your paint to crack if you aim and flame too long.

Then, get some polishing liquid and polish it until it blends in with the paint... then give it a good wash and you may find it's all gone.

Gotta say, the VSPEC looks pretty professionally put on - but I agree, gotta go as it's a bit 'try-hard.'

Says You :D

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got stuck into it this afternoon and night. after 3hours of rubbing and peeling and polishing, final result is a faint outline of residue :D

upload pics again, as i get the time.

all i used was some eucalyptus oil and a slice off a blister pack (instead of fingernails hehe) mind you my hands are still fairly sore lol ><

after a polish she was beautiful. only had moderate success with the hairdryer.

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this is the finished result, after a cut and polish. the Vspec outline is still vaguely evident, but in real life just looking, you can hardly tell unless you get close in

decided to keep the GTS25 badge as it doesnt look half bad now without the other badge that was there


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got here too late....dont use the hair dryer on the paint work.....BAD BAD BAD!!!

can cause massive damage....

eucalyptus oil is good....also Turps is quite good....and just peel the sticker off....(however you find this easier...)

adn then of course polish and wash til blended!!

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