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Inner West Crew Whoretown (toowong/st Lucia/kenmore/indooroopilly And Sometimes Sunnybank?)


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omg it rained for 2mins then starting to sunshine again

Where abouts are you?

Anyone know whats it like on the sth side at all?? :)

Leaving the Valley in about half an hour...

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You're an engineer Colin, build it so you've got access.

Ooh, looks like those storms turn up this arv! :P

I'll get access somehow. I'm the one who's organising it so I figure they'll probably give me the user and password to pass on to the director lol.

Holy page whores thread man :)

So anways I took my mate for a drive and he said I wont be able to take my car around lakeside because its too loud :(

What tracks dont have noise restrictions?

QR has no noise restrictions I'm fairly sure.

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QR has no noise restrictions I'm fairly sure.
tracks with no noise restrictions..

QR.. and other states i believe..

lakeside is only like that because of residential areas some what close by

Cool thanks :(

Hell YES!! R34 All the way... :P


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yeah lakeside mainly coz of one whinging f**k neighbour. But your allowed 95dB, you'd be surprised how loud that is. You might be OK.

QR is fine.

@Becks, its going to be mighty messy leaving the valley at 4ish :S. Thats about spot on when the main storm is meant to hit

I beat the storm home ;) Gotta get to cricket somehow later tonight but :(.

Advantage of driving home at 3pm in the rain to beat the storm: Schoolgirls. Of the soaking wet variety. :P:)

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yeah lakeside mainly coz of one whinging f**k neighbour. But your allowed 95dB, you'd be surprised how loud that is. You might be OK.

QR is fine.

@Becks, its going to be mighty messy leaving the valley at 4ish :S. Thats about spot on when the main storm is meant to hit

I beat the storm home ;) Gotta get to cricket somehow later tonight but :( .

Advantage of driving home at 3pm in the rain to beat the storm: Schoolgirls. Of the soaking wet variety. :P:)

OH NO, Well i'm off to try and get my baby home safe and sound.. ;)

Have a good night everyone!

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