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Tunnel Traffic Monitoring


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Hi all,

First of all, mods please do not close this thread as I would like this answered asap. Cheers.

First of all, the Northbridge tunnel has traffic cameras used to monitor the flow of traffic, and they CAN get the speed of any car within the sights of the camera/s.

Basically, if you are doing excessive speeds through the tunnel, let's say 60km/h+ over the speed limit of 80km/h, can Main Roads WA refer this footage to the West Australian Police, and can the WAPOL use this footage to either issue a traffic infringement or impound a car under the current hoon legislation?

The reason I ask this question is because a person I know asked me if this is possible (due to where I work, they thought I may know the answer). Now, as most of you are aware, a few months ago, the new speed/red-light cameras were implemented within WA and as far as I am aware, new legislation was passed with regards to the speed/red-light cameras?

Simply put, if you are doing excessive speeds through the Northbridge tunnel, can the West Australia Police confiscate your car under hoon laws?

Cheers, Jace.

P.S. This isn't a topic about hoon discussion, it's just a question I'd like answered as I am quite curious about it.

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haha yeah thats the only sure way at the moment but as far as i know they only have cc tv cameras in there which cannot be used as evidence against u in court in terms of speed, basically they cannot put speed cameras in the tunnel, i cant remember why though but i could be wrong as its only something i remember hearing

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Snozzle is right but there in regard to speeding...burnout and general reckless driving would be another issue. Still there is nothing stopping the Man from tying it on. I expect that given the foolsihness and the consequences of incidents in a tunnel environment that we wont be far away from seeing sped camers in the Poly.

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I don't know WHY there are no speed cameras in the tunnel because it's definitely possible. They are all over the tunnels in Sydney, every couple of hundred metres there is a radar on the wall!

f**k I love the sound of a hi-po Nissan in the tunnel :laugh:

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They can't do you for speeding in the tunnel based on the camera footage because they don't have a proven scientific approach to proving it. Multinova's and hand helds are a different story because they are approved, but there is no approved method from merely guaging someone's speed based on a video recording. They can "speculate" but then they'd have to prove it, and how are they going to do that? If a copper see's you speeding and pulls you over without evidence, that's a different story because it's your word against theirs. In this case, your mate shouldn't worry about the tunnel speed. Seriously, if it were an issue, there'd be a public outcry already don't you think? Any suggestion of copping a fine from speeding through the tunnel without being pulled over by the po-po, hit by a multinova in or out of the tunnel or such, is just hyperbole and I wouldn't worry. Not that I am advocating speeding through the tunnel, but after all, isn't it WA's safest stretch of road? :laugh:

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You'd have more chance of being done by the sound you are creating inside. If there is a cop up ahead of waiting outside they will just wait for you.

And just quietly, antilag is capable of shutting v8's up inside there without having to speed

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Nothing quietly about it at all mate, I've had a mate in his S15 w/ antilag sneak up beside me in the tunnel when I had the windows down, start smashing AL, omfg, I couldn't A: get the windows up fast enoug B: stop laughing and C: stop my ears from ringing :laugh: Also bee*r in tunnel is sweet aswel :laugh:

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afaik the main reason the tunnel doesn't have cameras is the walls of the tunnel tend to bounce the waves and could interfere with the accuracy of a read out. MRWA do have speed sensing cameras that can determine the speed and do actually show it on their monitors, I have seen a readout.

The real reason MRWA does nothing else is the footage from MRWA cameras are not actually recorded at all, so even if you did 150km/h through the tunnel they wouldn't keep a record of it...some guy in the monitoring station would probably get a laugh though.

How they plan on pinning you through the tunnel is with average speed cameras at either ends, afaik they should be operational by now. These would average out the speed you do in the tunnel to see if you have exceeded the 80km/h on average.

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What I'd like to know is, if it's because of the radar signal bouncing around and shit, why aren't they planning on using the SAME gear that the Sydney tunnel owners have been using, and works. Beurocratic crap if you ask me. Everything has to go through a process, then testing, then legislation, wasting more tax payers money etc etc whereas they can't just use the same thing that others are using to do the job.

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just drop it back to second, youll only get to like 110 and still make all the right noises :D

Just do it late enough you can literally stop at one end, and then hammer it. If you've got a reasonably linear accelleration curve you can be doing 160 before your speeding, by any average measure=D

Plus, it'll sound awesome.

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Might want to let them know not to anymore.. as there are now radars in the tunnel :) no idea if they are issuing fines or just trialing them, and they weren't there yesterday. Heading home from work this arvo, east bound through tunnel, detector goes mental as soon as I enter (never has there before), ~100m in on the right-hand wall was a radar like the ones they use in NSW. About half way through was another and then a third one about 100m before the exit. No idea if westbound has them yet but I'll find out on Monday heh.

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Without having seen them or finding any press release about them, with 3 within 1.6km they could likely be point-to-point cameras??

They are definitely radars, they look identical to the ones in the tunnels in NSW.

The point-point cameras I have seen sit up on big trestles over the roadway with one at the start and one at the end, multiple cameras covering all lanes, no radars.. they just compare the time it saw your plate go through the first one to the time it saw you go through the second one.

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