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Initial-D - the movie


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Let me coin a new phrase :


I don't know how they could multilate an original so badly. Acting, directing, dialogue everything was crap.

The only good thing about the movie was that my car was in it, and that Japanese girl with better acting ability than the rest of them.

OK, rant over.

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Which car was yours informer?

I totally agree that the movie was pretty intolerable. I haven't watched many of the original cartoons, but i'm sure the movie is not a great representation of the animations.

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Some of it was real drifting.

Seriously, the story was warped. I'm pretty sure ID fans walked out feeling that this was more a movie about Jay-whatshisface than Takumi/Bunta/AE86.

Piece of crap.

They should have consulted the writer and do a movie about Bunta, his driving legacy, the birth of Takumi and why the wife left them. It would have been awesome to have seen the AE86 take the mountains with other similarly older cars like the older RX7, Subaru Vortex, 280zx, BMW E30 M3 etc etc.

Now that would have been quite a story worth seeing, as well as the sequel.

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i found the movie funny, tring to fit like stage 1,2 into 1 movie didnt really work, i couldnt follow the story lines and at time i was tottaly losts,

good try :D but it didnt follow the anime story line all that well, and i didnt like it

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I've just watched it on Div X, only cause it doesn't come out in teh cinema's I' ve seen

I thought overall it was good, the car stuff was great. watching it was interesting with subs, that were way toooo literal and had to translate the translations sometimes

they rushed the movie, they should have just had a series of Movies I think, 1-4 or something so they could take more time.

It wasn't as good as the anime, but its initial d so its ok in my book :D


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If your in Sydney and want to see it its playing at reading cinemas in Market City (Haymarket/Chinatown) with english subtitles. Gotta say i liked the anime better. The casting was alright though, they seemed to match the characters.

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  • 2 weeks later...

i completely agree on so many levels. movie was a massive dissapointment which im not surprised about considering it came out of china/hk as it seems it was only made for a quick buck which unfortunately wasnt exciting.

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i havent seen the movie yet but by the sounds of everyone complaining sounded pretty bad. who was the movie based around? it wasnt the takahashi brothers was it? and i couldve guessed it wasnt going to be top notch cause it was made in china, with chinese actors -_-"

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Yeah i agree with what most people say here, it was really weird, cool cars, good scenery but the interpretation of the original story was terrible. To every one who has seen this, if you havent seen the original anime, please do, its sooo much better


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