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Everything posted by mjay

  1. depending on how much you want im interested
  2. if it is thurs make it the folllowing one.. wouldn't be able ot make the thurs before
  3. when seth organises i come running put me down
  4. ok not me... no way in the world would i park my car on george st outside jacks on a fri/sat nyte... that would be jus asking to have my car fcukd with
  5. boought it off ebay seller "High_Series" i dont think mine was fake... honestly i jus think that the product is not really effective on scratches beyond the lightest scratch... i'm getting my car detailed by dr detail this week though so i didn't put too much effort in tryna get em out... i figure if he can't then i'll just touch up paint it
  6. possibly me although haven't been down george in a few weeks i think
  7. got it from ebay... gave it a go... honestly i think MAYBE it helped a little bit for the big scratches but i suppose it was never gonna do much on them... the little scratch it did jack all... probably wouldn't recommend
  8. damnit mine just arrived today... ahh well i'll see how it goes
  9. excessive acceleration is also a crime.. you could go up to 80 which is the limit - but do it too fast and boom .. bend over and take it
  10. those were probably the forensic guys ... they all drive utes i believe, n need 'work ute' type stuff like wheel barrows etc
  11. I'm not sure but I believe that a lot of the 'non-typical' cop cars like the wrx are actually undercover cops - different to the unmarked patrol cars. And that usually they won't pull you over for anything unless it's serious like 30+km over the limit which you must have been doing. I know that they even drive golf gti's. UC's can be in anything
  12. you were moving in neutral then popped it into drive? ugh... and yeh had a similar problem where those lights were on and it was the alternator... although power steering was still good.. did lose power steering like that once though on another car and it was cause the belt popped off.. my guess is you lost the belts for the alternator and power steering...
  13. Hey guys, seeing as how I can't seem to find a bumper I want to replace mine I've decided to get the scrapes repaired. Have no idea how i got these either, but yeh ,can anyone recommend someone/somewhere suitable to replace the damage below: scratch 1: scratch 2: cheers,
  14. Really? that is a bit dissapointing lolz.... so at idle it doesnt even sound better than stock, but def no drone wen cruising? mite have to reconsider possibly getting this one too then
  15. no worriez.. i'll let you know when i'm purchasing towards the end of the year in case you still want in
  16. TuFF did you get the HKS Hi power ti exhaust?
  17. Im in syd. Maybe we can ship it to one of us then ship it to the other when it gets here and split it down the middle?? What zorst you keen on?
  18. yeh heaps keen on this zorst... perfect blend of everything - power, loudness, quietness, looks... Guess that's why there's such a long wait on em.. I won't be looking to import one rip so if I do manage to get a hold of one it's mine
  19. or wait a month and we'll have parity or better
  20. Hey TUFF can you let us know when you get yours on... I'm still considering the HKS but really wanna know how bad the drone is.... otherwise i absolutely love this zorst...
  21. yeh i was very much hoping you'd part out lolz... do you mind if i ask how much you ended up getting? PM me if it's cool.. also how much you got the zorst for? Been looking to import from the states but there's a back order on the exhaust til end of nov/early dec
  22. is it much louder than stock at idle and cruising? I hear hitech supposedly has the best gains power wise, but is not much louder than stock... always loved the HKS but i hear they drone so that put me off... atm looking to import motordyne from the states, seems as good as HKS but without the drone
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