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Everything posted by always_me

  1. dont be worried, you should have just turned your car off and on again and it would have benn fine.
  2. 3 points i heard to
  3. there are clubs in CANBERRA, how weird is that. i only thought people came out of there houses wa to go summer nats, boy was i wrong.
  4. it came with the car, no sure where its from but i think customcarbon.com can make one
  5. i have heaps of pics of the parents but i dont usualy give them out, only for people interested in buying the pups
  6. I meant as the 6 port direct injection kit is the best option to get in nitrous systems, not like mine and your kit where 1 nossle mixes both fuel and nitrous. and why is it ironic mirko is always_me aka wreckedhead
  7. pups are 5 weeks old and soon will be ready for veiwing if any one is interested prices have changed to 700 each, please pm if interested
  8. hahah adrian means you now have to customise it to your own engine, excellnt kit by the way, if i didnt have one i would buy it straight away, good luck
  9. hey what happend, i thoguht you were keen to keep a gtr.
  10. looking for 305/315 x 18s if anyone got a second hand set lying round.
  11. its hard to sell but id rather sell him to a good family then put him down.
  12. hat the hell is an anti car jack button
  13. you shouldnt have any problems with having differnt size tyres on your gtr, ive been driving with 286 rear and 265 fronts for almost 2 years now with no problems, casue the gtr isnt AWD it 4WD so the front only grip when the back slip which in most cases isnt offten uness you rev and dump and ive been doing that for ages with no worries.
  14. get some cash and youll have big power, without it your screwed.
  15. very rarebloodline, TAG and PEACHES, red nose, excellnt temprament, trained as a gaurd dog, beautifull tan colour, excellnt coat, no scaring, never been faught, he's like my friend and is very hard for me to sell him, im building my house and have no where to keep him, and wouldnt like for him to go into boarding for 6 months, is some one is genuinely interested in taking on a pitbull as a member of their family im willing to help them out in any way i can. I love my dog and wont let him go to just anyone so family screening is essential to keep who ever takes him from fighting him. price:$1000 so about the low resolution pics
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