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Everything posted by shaun123

  1. hey guys, i really have no idea about car audio and i have the oppurtunity to buy a pioneer 12" sub (with sub box), audioline 300w amp and cables for $200 (2nd hand). Would you guys say this is worth it? cheers
  2. ford forrester or some kind of 4wd that looks like it, in donny
  3. but wouldnt you rather install it yourself then have the knowledge & experience of it? so you dont have to pay someone again if something needs to be done with it. Dont always think just cos a workshop did it, it will be perfect - my friends car went in for a service and the wrong oil filter was put on :|
  4. shaun123

    Car Washes

    i go to the manual ones with the do it urself high pressure hoses. i do use the brush there, should i not use it? (should it be ok if you rinse the brush with the pressure hose??) i'd never let randoms hand wash it cos i wouldnt trust them
  5. the gtst has 5stud wheel (n/a only has 4 stud), and the gts also has a different brake system to the gts-t i think
  6. all i've got on it is a 3inch exhaust/cannon + apexi pod, its not like a popping sound. like a 'puffff' sound
  7. hi, i have a n/a r33 and i have this weird noise when i change gears. It only happens when i change gears and floor it. its like a blow off valve sound, a very dull one but im almost certain it comes from the exhaust. anyone know what this could be?
  8. get the turbo because i dont think a RB20DE would move at all, theres no point buying a skyline with no turbo(i've made the mistake of buying a non-turbo r33 skyline myself ). btw hope its not a WRX STi
  9. how is the torque difference between the two? i know the r33 has more but it weighs more and reaches it later in the rev range? how is it in real life
  10. guys sorry to change the subject but... how many of you r33 owners drive your cars on P's?
  11. hmm what i was really after was are there many problems with the r32 over the r33? any common problems with the rb20 compared to the rb25, im esepcially concerned about turbos blowing up n stuff since i've never owned a turbo before. how reliable/strong are rb20det's? also the gearboxes?? thanx
  12. hey man, i own a r33 non-turbz on my Ps too, its not blazingly quick but it still has abit of guts to it. With the insurance, i pay $550 for third party fire n theft.. i think a turbo r33 third party fire n theft is around the same price so the insurance doesnt really change a whole lot. I think they consider any skyline a greater risk car. But with driving a non-turbo r33 i have peace of mind that i will get paid out if i crash theyre good cars, and i recommend one for a first car! i have nearly spun out in it, in the wet and if it was turbo i know it would have been a totally different story, with me wrapped around a pole probably. so just have a think of it all before you make up ur mind
  13. nice pics man, where did u take those pics ?
  14. yea thats true, but im just looking for peoples opinions who have been in a r33 gts and a r32 gts-t and if they really notice any difference?
  15. hey guys, just aftera bit of advice, i currently have a r33 non-turbo and after being for acouple of drives in my mates turbo cars, it looks addicitivly fun... my question is, since im a P plater, do you think its worth going to a r32gts-t and selling my r33 or keeping my r33 which is newer?
  16. does anyone have the link to mygtst or mrgtr's threads about this? interested in doing this also but i searched and cant find the links
  17. the centre of the wheel to the guard is 38cm, also if this helps, the lowest part of the car (front bar) is ~155mm off the ground. I wanted to know if the springs are chopped so i could replace them with king springs super lows or something to improve the cars rough ride abit. Does anyone know how low kings springs super lows sits off the ground? thanks
  18. hey guys, i thought i'd post this question in here aswell how can i check whether my springs have been chopped or not by the previous owner? on both sides of the spring, it looks like this: ___ | \__ the ends are also black like the rest of the spring. also i dont know if this is related to it being chopped springs but when i took my tyre off, the inside of the tire is alot more worn than the outside
  19. shaun123

    R33 Shocks

    hey guys, sorry to bring this topic back up but i was looking at my springs and im very confused as to whether they have been chopped or not, can anyone tell me anything i can notice with chopped springs? both ends of the spring are ended the same, with the ends looking like this: ________ | \ _______ like its cut then beveled? the end of the spring isnt shiny as if it has been cut but is black like the rest of the spring
  20. shaun123

    R33 Shocks

    hey guys, recently my r33's back left shocker is leaking oil so i need to replace them, i was just wondering if you guys could point me in the direction of any good import wreckers (im a poor student:P) anywhere near Eastern subrubs of melb, and if i should get both the back ones replaced along with the springs(since they've been chopped by previous owner). thanks for your advice
  21. can someone post a pic of where it is again please? none of the old pics posted in the thread are working :S
  22. hmm same setup huh, is yours really quiet? do you have some kind of a sound file of your car running. Maybe cos my car is NA its loud?? or maybe im just exaggerating and its really not as loud
  23. i just measured it and its 4.5"(the muffler) , the exhaust is 3inch all the way can i get some kind of silencer for this? there are two little holes towards the end of the muffler and someone told me this is to put a silencer, is this true? I've only had it for a day and im finding its quite annoying on long drives, and generally would this be over 90db or watever they allow for?
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