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Stage Name

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Everything posted by Stage Name

  1. Hey mate!! There are quite a few of us now, probably close to ten these days (dont any mainlanders go making fun of that number!!!). Try posting here somewhere: http://www.skylinesaustralia.com/forums/Tasmania-f27.html You may attract more attention.....
  2. Hey another Stagea!!! Pics would be great when you get around to it, dont think ive seen a dark blue one in Tassie yet .....
  3. Exactly the same thing happened to me, I dont get it. I think its just carelessness from the compliancers who have to remove them during the process, but either way its disgraceful. And there is nothing that can be done about it.
  4. This has been happening a hell of a lot lately around here, and most Skyline owners I know are definately worried. immobiliser, alarm and insurance is just essential, but most skyline owners i know place more value on their car than any insurance company will. You just have to be careful where you park it, no suburb is safe though at the moment. I must say, the amount of robberies I have heard of, where engine parts have been stolen, directly correlates to the amount of beaten up vl turbos I have seen/heard on the road lately......
  5. The local paper had this photo and the headline "This lotus postiion not calming". Dissapoint news about the R35. Will try to get out on Sunday and see the other SAU guys on the stage in Hobart. Last stage for the whole event so I hope to see some severe tyre shredding, its only about 1.3kms long guys so rip it up!!!
  6. Yeah pretty much every BP in Hobart sells ultimate. I assume itll be the same for Launceston or anywhere else. For some stupid reason Shell or anybody else hasnt got their act together on it yet, oh well, less business for them!!
  7. G'day I have spare coil packs, I replaced all of mine with new ones, but 4 out of the six were still okay. I'll have to discuss it with you, will PM mobile number. So we can sort something out with those ones, or I can tell you how to get new ones. (at $500 bucks tho they are!!!) Cheers
  8. I bought spitfires cos 2 of mine buggered up. I have all six sitting in a box somewhere, but I dont know which were the stuffed ones.
  9. Says goushuu, i.e. Australia, lol, we've been through this in tha sticker thread, the Japanese kanji word for Aus from memory, was a bit hard to follow.
  10. I'm down for sure!! +1 for me, but decisions decisions...... ummm..... To hell with it, I'll get both designs on the one shirt, stagea logo exactly like photo option 2 on front, and could i get the swat design from option 1 at similar hight but in the middle of the back?? Cos that would be so damn cool, and incl postage $40 all up is that right?? Absolute legendary work mate!!
  11. I was so close to getting a dolphin kit for mine, they look so damn awesome, but I cant justify spending more money on cars, plus they are so damn low at front. Like you I bought the Stagea so I could stop spening money on machines, but it hasnt been much better so far!!! Yeah, I realised you would have knonw about them slyhcr32!! Insane little features is about the right words, why does a car really need self closing rear boot?? Only the Japanese will know.....
  12. Excellent, I like it a lot. Yeah, as much as I was the probably the main one for "picking" at it, changes to suit everyone could go on for eva... Sign me x2 (one of each). Anyone able to show the t-shirt design?
  13. Lol, madazR33 was in a forum requesting a Stagea specific sticker, as to why I assumed he had one.... but I get the sarcasm!! Surprising how many skyline drivers do not know that my car is like 90% sklyine though.... Anyhow, back to the spottos, couple of 'real' skylines, black R32 and grey/silver R33 down at salamanca just then. The R33 had some interesting head light features going on but I wont go into detail here....
  14. Spotted by a mate a fellow S2 Stagea (grey, silver thing) in New Town today with a badly damaged front end, gonna cost a few pennies to fix that one from what I hear. Also, MadazR33 just posted on the Stagea forum, what Stagea is he getting around in?
  15. Aaaah, I'm prob just being pedantic, that example one you had up looks great, with Goushuu. Like Goldzilla & the NSW mob I will want one... So if you produce 10 of those I reckon amongst the non-WA members they would go easy? In fact I'd take two... Thx for your expertise Appealing!! Will see how this goes..
  16. That looks pretty good!! I'm not sure about the website though either, it would probably be less cluttered without the link, or maybe even just link to sylinesaustralia.com, if that stageasaustralia.com isnt working. I dunno really. It does actually look quite nice as Goushuu, but the Japanese characters definately preferred if at all possible, anyone?? SAE would sound like easy way to post then, anything to make it easier for you. Anyone else got any ideas before the template is finalised? Oh, what size did you make the sticker?
  17. Seriously, I have no idea what happenned there, all I wrote was: "That'd look brilliant", as to that other crap, I dunno, but I'll leave it cos it looks funny. I may have said bloody? I have no idea how that text could possibly appear like that.
  18. Excellent work. That'd look abbroad minded femaleely brilliant with some Japanese writing I reckon. I reckon wed be able to find a fair few takers on here to share costs etc.. See how it goes.
  19. I guess what we need is for someone to be able to design the template then is that right? I had a go but I neither have the software, skill or patience for graphic design!!! Anyone know anyone?
  20. More I think about the more I think cut-out lettering will not work. The design above is pretty damn perfect, bar the white border, all I wanted was the japanese lettering for Australia (which I believe in romaji is goushuu) below the "Stage Web for Advanced Tune bit. I think we need someone to create an image file with the above japanese word in japanese lettering so it can be pasted in I reckon? I tried to find it and alter the above photo but I'm just not good at this sorta crap. All I want is it to look like this: Which I must admit looks good and its not cut-out!!
  21. I'll get back to you later this evening with some dimensions, I should really do some work right now though.... Umm, I just realised the small writing under the S.W.A.T probably cant be cut that well on vinyl. I agree with keeping it plain for sure, but I think the explanation of SWAT would be essential. Reckon its possible to do? I was thinking about 30cm wide at this stage.
  22. Guys, Whatever happened to this brilliant idea!!! I was thinking that we need to find someone with a high quality vinyl cutter (one that cuts individual lettering) so that this can be done properly. The effect we are after is like the one earlier in this thread on the back of that 260RS. To make it easier one sticker that would suit Stagea owners for the whole of Australia would be cool, like this: The individually cut out white letters would look awesome on our almost black heavily tinted tails.... All we need is someone/some business able to do this!!
  23. Oh well, bound to happen I guess.... I'll just have to teach my friends the difference between a S1 & S2, seems pretty clear to me but they just dont get it!! Suspension is being ripped out right now, cant wait to get the car back!!
  24. Yeah, I organised for my work mates to head down there, skirmish was pretty cool!!! The mags are standard on the RS FOUR model S2 Stagea, it is the model with the R34 GT-T (NEO) engine, so I guess they were modelled on the R34GT-T. I'm actually doing a major suspension upgrade on Tues, really looking forward to it, gonna make it a lot more predictable to drive!! Losing 4cm in the process too, so look out for the slightly lowered white Stag after Tues..... Hold on, are you the one in the white S1 which people keep confusing for me??? I WAS the only white Stag in Hobart, not any more
  25. Now this is wacky: http://cgi.ebay.com.au/HOLDEN-VS-STATIONWA...1QQcmdZViewItem Nothing more to be said really.
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