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Mayuri Krab

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Everything posted by Mayuri Krab

  1. $20, in the last election, my mum was in New Castle & she was working all day so she cbf to go & couple of month later we got a $20 fine. Funny thing is, she doesn't plan on going to this up coming one neither , shes got a full shift on Saturday @ the hospital; she rather get fined $20 then miss work where she's getting paid 1.5x than normal. Thats the way, join the "Donkey" brotherhood
  2. Probably because they were the ones encouraging him to go on.
  3. Neither, I'll just cast another donkey vote... like what I have being doing ever since I started voting. They really should make voting optional rather than compulsory. The other party is no different, in fact wasn't the opposition the 1st one to bring forward the idea for this ban (after that 180 crash)? However I read from the paper that they say their ban will be based on kw/weight ratio rather than straight all v8/turbo/supercharger. Neither way, I'm only going to the election coz I don't want to get fined.
  4. Same here, I have a DSL504T & a dl524 running here, no probs. To the OP, have you tried using satellite net connection? It cost A LOT though for speed thats not much better than ADSL.
  5. I can say the same thing to about every 1 in 5 drivers I meet on the road & guess what? THEY AREN'T P PLATERS! If I wanted to sound discriminating... how about F**k mid aged women/man in their 4WDs & their careless "I own the road" style driving... cutting everybody off & staying right up my a*s in a 50km/h area. OR F**k taxi drivers who seems to always want to drag me with their LPG falcons... Discriminating = not cool
  6. Nah, that was just saying how the old (& slower) V8s with only 90ishkw/tonne (0 - 100km/h in over 10sec) gets banned under the new laws while the newer (& faster) V6s (Aurions/commo SV6s/XR6s etc etc) with over 130kw/tonne & 0 to 100 in the mid 7secs are allowed. In other words... These laws are a bag of sh*t
  7. I like that word... ALOT Nice! thats like getting a bare 50 in a exam knowing that 1 more mark would mean the difference between pass & fail. You guys have to do another test when you go off your Ps?
  8. VIC's old ban was based on power/weigth ratio, I think it was a max of 125kw/tonne allowed & engine size </= 3.5L. But they changed it to ban all V8/turbo/supercharger as well in 2005. Just shows that they are trying to relate any garabge to support this lame ban... next time you'll probably see they say a P-plater died while riding a 50cc scooter, BUT it was found that he had a turbo as his weekend car, therefore we can safely arrive at the conclusion that its coz he had the turbo that killed him... Then next time it will be like P plater dies in <insert anything thats not being banned>, but it was found that he had ridden in a turbo car b4 (driven by someone else) so therefore, the turbo car is at fault. God, I'm good @ making BS up, I should write stories for TT & ACA. Now where is my resume
  9. This brings my hatred for the government by another step up, 1st its that gay internet filter & now this?! I got the turbo 33 as my 1st car soon after I got my Ps (was like 2wks after I got my Ps to be exact) & it has being almost a year since & I have yet to get even a speeding fine, while this family friend I know already got several speeding tickets in his 1st month of his P & his not even driving a turbo, just a gutless excel. I don't push my luck when driving the 33, I drive it just the same way I do with the VN & Camry (that I used on my Ls); nice & slow, not that hard to do... Goes to show that not everyone who drives turbos + have Ps are morons. I'm interested in this as well... can you explain/pm more in detail lol
  10. ^^^ +1 for the protest I should take a cam recorder & record all the stupid acts done by people who AREN'T P platers & ring the hoon hot line on them.
  11. Lets hope so... otherwise I'm gonna have to lend the car to my mum until my P goes off & I'll be forced to drive her mum-mobile... NNNNNOOOOOOO!!!!!! I know which party I'll be writing cursing notes for on the voting papers... usually its just a blank donkey vote, but this time...
  12. This is f*cken BS, I still got about another year on my P, & my 1st car since I got my P was the GTS-T, & through this time, I have never even got a speeding fine (& I have passed through lots of speed cams, cop cars & cops with speed guns). So they are basically saying, that I have to sell my car even though I had it under my name for ages just coz of this? This is by far the worst news, since that gay IP filter the government is trying to do. At least with the other states, the laws are that you will only be affected if you got your Ps after they came into affect, by the sound from that article, they are trying to make it affect everyone, so even if you owned your car for a year (with no fines & stuff) you so still have to sell it?! What a f*cken joke!
  13. I know... talk about complete BS...
  14. What car does she drive? Its a good thing my mum hardly ever watches AU TV (SAT TV FTW ).
  15. +1 With the theft thing, 1st time u get caught, they should beat ur hand so bad that you can't touch or move them for a week, second time for a whole month & third time, its chopping time! Those 4 c*nts should get beaten & be hospitalized for at least a month & see how they like it.
  16. Change the excel to a 50cc scooter then. At least now theres some safety for the people in the other cars.
  17. That idiots like him give the rest of the P-platers a bad name, = me getting evil stares all the time from parent & old drivers when they see my big "P" + "Skyline" + "turbo" badge. Seriously, 120km/h in a 60 (I'm guessing) zone? WTF?! Thats just stupid, now added to the fact its in the wet, upgraded from stupid to retarded. & its a commo hoon-wannabe-mobile... upgraded from retarded to... I'm out of words. PS thanks for informing the new address for WA suspension, I might pay a visit soon as my suspension is getting worn out. +1, infact if he want to die so badly why don't you just drive your car off a cliff, saves everyone the trouble of having to clear your wreck of a sh*t-box up. They should just ban that car, & make everyone who owned one & had a bad driving history drive xcels.
  18. Well I'm looking forward to play it, RA2 was my favorite RTS of all time (& about the only one I had extended interest in), I never got into RTSs like SC or WC3.
  19. Reminds me of my car when it got damaged by a Rev4, got struck on the same side & even your car's colour is the same as mine. On the bright side, you are getting it repaired for free, like me
  20. BTW does anyone have a link to the story on the news about the power restriction thing that WA is trying to do?
  21. Another is DVD region free, I got a copy of the program & can sent it to you if you want (its only ~2mb), pm me your email if you want it. You basically just run the program in the background & your dvd drive will be "seen" as region free.
  22. Man thats cheap, my basic 3rd party is already costing $320 & if I want fire + theft I got quoted $550. On the subject of turbos, today my parents were talking about want kind of cars they want to get in the future, & based on their selection criteria I recommended these for them... Dad: He wants a "regular" family sedan the size of a Commo. = XR6 turbo Mum: Must have a BMW of some sort, preferably a sedan & size of a Camry (its a Chinese + doctor thing...) = BMW 335i Myself: Skyline of some sort = R34 GTT Whole Turbo for the family
  23. OMG , you have an awesome mum. Mine would get freaked out as soon as I even put my foot down by more than 10%. & telling me to slow down or I'm about to crash into the car in front of my me, even though I've already slowed to under 20km/h & the car ahead is still like 3 car length away. There was this one time, we were on the freeway at night time, I was going to change lanes, after indicating & checking my blind spot (which I didn't see any cars, only saw a car in the distance from the side mirror), as I was about to change I just heard this loud burst of acceleration coming up from behind, so I didn't change & kept my car straight, 1 sec later some black Commo just zoomed past right next to me. & the entire trip back that day was just my mum constant nagging about "how I could have crashed & died from that, how I should drive more safer etc etc..." I was like "eerr... I can't help it if that guy wants to act like a d*ck..." Now when is my change of ownership for my car gonna come...
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