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Everything posted by KamikazeNinja34

  1. They do prefer it actually be shoes. U can't drive in socks.
  2. He got lost when we stopped for lunch also...
  3. Maybe he just wants to keep talkin to ya Juliette
  4. All good, patking sucks there...
  5. even cut n polish hasn't been able to get that shit off I have an older model tho without the titanium tip. I have a regu 96r I think
  6. For shame... Of course I did! Why else do u think I showed u where I'd parked? god knows u couldn't see it behind the massive 4x4 parked near it...
  7. Has one. Doesn't look so good in custom carbon monoxide black
  8. mine were 18" gen 2s... They had dish
  9. I'm terrified of heights. Kris and his brother made me go I instantly regretted giving in
  10. Angle park ftw in ballarat I still dunno how to parallell park very well
  11. thank f**k, I hate that ride...
  12. Camilla Parker-Bowls? Will's dad is still Crown Prince....not William and im pretty sure most people would rather be beaten with a board with nails in it than do her
  13. Also if ur going na because you're getting your ps, which is what it sounds like, a search will tell you straight away that fiddling with the compression or taking the turbo off of a turbo engine makes the car run worse than an na...and the car is still registered as a turbo no matter what engine work you do to it. Just buy an na, less headache un the long run. It's only four years.
  14. There's a thread on what to look for I think in the skyline specific section? As for prices depends on condition... Most are around the 8-10k mark last I checked...
  15. definitely a good idea to do it while everything's off anyway. had mine replaced with the timing belt, mechanic used a gates racing kit. theyre on justjap, but like 400 odd for the whole kit from memory...belt, tensioners, etc.
  16. Lol Jamie didn't know how? I'm just glad my radio still worked without the antenna hooked up
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