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Posts posted by Ziller

  1. well im a part of a small business owner family, so workchoice awards were a great idea for us. Yes i agree it probably gave employers to much power but as it stands now employees have to much power. For example I cant really ask a apprentice to work over time, cant even ask them for a doctors certificate because mummy's word is good enough according to the award and agreements. There are plenty of other examples that I can bring up which makes life difficult for us but these are two of the worst. the idea of workchoice was to even the playing field, had it been worded correctly and implemented right, I believe it would have been good, much like the insulation scheme from labor or the school hall....

    Also dont mention the unions, they are the biggest pack of scum bags going around especially in Victoria.

    Policy will never suit everyone because there will always be people who come out ahead of others.

    The carbon tax has already been proven to have next to no effect world wide on pollution because not enough countries are getting involved. The solution to global warming has been infront of us for years, but people are too scared to take it on - Nuclear. We can mine the uranium ourselves and work the plants, win win for Australia right?

    End of the day there is no perfect party, there is only a better party then the other. In my opinion the better party right now is Liberal.

    If the last election was evidence enough it shows that the majority of Australians aren't happy with either party and both parties need to take a long hard look at themselves.

    My 2cents,

    Well its good to see your a bit open minded on the subject, Yes you can ask your apprentices to work overtime and most do, you just cant force them, remember your dealing with young people here on low wages and some are better than others just like employers, I missed only 5 days of work during my apprenticeship due to a workplace injury (Heavy lifting, I could really add to this one!) I even worked when I was sick , never again! I was used up big time. Sick leave is caped to ten days a year, one day off does not requier a doctors certificate which has been in place for a long time, even with the Libs

    Workchoices was never designed to be an even playing field, far from it! How can you expect a young or vulnerable person to deal with and compete with an experienced IR or Human resources manager on their own with a Workchoice AWA, its not going to happen.

    How even is it when a company that employs 100 employees or less (which falls into the high 90% categorie of all employees) that they can sack an employee without any just reason or accountability what so ever! TOTAL DOMINATION over the work force! is this the kind of Australia you want to live in? I dont, and you call the Unions the biggest pack of scumbags going around!

    A Cabon Tax has not been proven to be ineffective at all, as for Nuclear, well thats a topic that has many points of debates and issues of its own.

    The insulation scheme was rolled out way to quick by the Labor Goverment! But I will make note of something, Abbott claimed the sad deaths of 4 young men should rest solely on the shoulders Of Kevin Rudd, s21 of the Occupational Health & Safety Act calls for Employeers to provide a working environment that is safe and without risks to the health of its employees and also to provide adequate training for its employees.

    This did not happen in all cases..... Yet Abbott remained silent in regards to these scumbags? Abbott was well know in his roll as the Industrial relations minister to attack the OH&S Act and water it down at every opportunity with great gusto. Whos shoulders should it rest on?

    School Halls yeh, Howard called on many young Australians to take up the exciting career of being a labour (no affense to them or honest working people), I'm wondering if this is the same advice he gave to his own son?

    Anyway back on track, The scams involved in the School Halls Project were proven to be only a very small percentage in the overall cost in the scheme yet the Liberals gloated on this with their usual fear tactics with the claims it was a total waste of the publics money, what bullshit, no mention at all of the good it did to many of the disadvantaged that their used to takeing funding away from, how cold harted of them.

    Remember, its was a handful of dodgy companys that practiced in deciet ( Yet Abbott still remained silent?) not the workers who built them.

    Really, were not doing to bad as a Country at the moment so its not all gloom and doom.

  2. 2 points to make to this.

    1: RE fear campaigns, you mean just like what labor did with work choices? under work choices certain industries were actually much better off. under labors fair work there were plenty of industries that actually took a pay cut. retail workers in QLD lost about $1 an hour. nursing unions actually launched a class action against the government because some nurses were going to face a 20% pay cut under fair work.

    2: RE the libs carbon tax, it doesn't really matter who the tax is initially aimed. taxing big business won't make them stop poluting. when faced with the option of reducing polution (which costs them money) or simply raising prices to cover the tax, the majority of them will chose the latter, so it ends up with the general public paying the tax anyway.

    1: I think your referring to some of the age care nurses who work in the private sector in NSW and QLD. "This is a direct spinoff under Howards Workchoice laws" at the time when he incouraged their employers (Bad Bosses) not to enter into a union enterprise bargaining agreement EBA which like then and still today not only has annual pay rises but is fully protected against wage reductions unlike Howards Workchoice AWA's that these poor nurses got stuck with! The rest are all ok.

    Fair Work Aust have a take home pay order which can be applied for to protect their wages any time they want but its not what the unions want, they just simply want better legislation to cut through red tape... lets just say their keeping the bastards honest.

    Remember the Nurses union like all other unions were and are still fully apposed to Workchoices and always will be for very good reason, namely the above.

    Please, lets get serious, tell the full story and not the one that may suit you, The facts are Workchoices was always designed to drive down wages.

    2: I'm not hear to tell you or anyone what to think, I'm no greenie but really, dont you want a better invironment? leading technology that may benefit us in the future? Do you have kids?

    I mean whats happened to the brave, or do we keep on listening to this retric shit all the time from these self interest groups who spends Millions of Dollars on add campaigns, its not for your benefit as they would have you believe, they are worried that they will pay more and you will pay less.

    How can you say it wont stop them from poluting? It will make considerable changes, Its against business ethics when the numbers stack up not to make changes when the technology is already there with the scrubbing units of today, look at the EPA and with changes to The Motor Vehicle industry and fuel technology and the Chemical industry where I spent much of my career just to name a few, the changes were scary then, not so scary today.

    Oh India and China aren't pulling their weight so why should we? No wonder why Turnbull squirms in his seat when ever Abbott speaks on the subject.

    The rest of the World is doing far more about carbon emissions than what you may think, lets not get left behind in the future.

  3. so the tax passed.

    If i was in politics, I'd find out what people dont want, campaign and say you give them what they want, then deliver what they dont want.

    flat out say you wont do something, then turn around and do it.

    If Julia took the Tax to a vote and it passed, I'd say fair enough. How she has gone about it is completely wrong and garbage!!

    Fair comment mate..... But remember No GST, Tamper, Children overboard, Workchoices, The Wheat scandel, The 11 billion dollar budget black hole just to name a few, (and these people are honest?) Fears on the supperannuation scheme and Medicare and the fears and condemnation on every single entitlement a worker has ever been awarded over the years.

    The Mining Tax, thats right I cant talk about this, the Miners will pack up and go elsewhere, hey why dont we just give it all away Mr Abbott? The Boom has just begun and will only get bigger! (look at the top 20 rich list its very interesting). One company alone makes 24 billion dollars! Hey brother can you spare me and my country a Dime!

    There is going to be a form of carbon tax no matter what you call it, It's from both sides of politics, only diffrence is that Abbott (who has already admitted to telling lies to get political advantage) wants to charge YOU direct..... which will give a lot of the main polluters, no incentive for innorvation or change, lets see who pays more in the end.

    Was just wondering if you know or understand the alternative Abbott blue print in detail and if you could make comment on it? Who will pay and why?

    I'm not saying i'm an expert on the subject but of late the consistent repetitive fear compaigns on many issues from the Libs are starting to give me the shits and dont serve us well nor offer any real solution, it's just positive reinforcement down the path of negativity.

    I offer no magic bullet but lets not live in fear!, sadly I think it maybe to late?

  4. I had some dickhead in a blue XR6 turbo putting it on me "BIGTIME" for a drag from Port Melboune to St kilda last Saturday night at around 10.30pm, for all the public to see!

    These fools dont help.

  5. farrrk that's a dog act and a half...whats the rest of the story, got me interested :D

    Lets just say that after I forced the doors open I turned real ugly, I had to pull up when I noticed the bus was half full of passengers so I said a quick sorry to them and took off, I think they were in more shock than I was with what happened.


  6. I once had an on comming bus turn right in front of me when I was on my motorbike, I couldn't believe the f**ker just took off and left me lying on the side of the road after he mowed me down.

    Battered and brused I chased him down, best I leave the story at that. :whistling:

  7. Mate I dont know who trains you but its a bit of a worry, not trying to be a hero but you should already know not to clench your fist untill you land the punch, to train with clenched fist will make you slow and what 1st line of defence do you think you'll have when the punchers start to flow from your opponent.

    Speed speed speed not weights, as your technique improves so will the power of your punches, it may be boxing but when you start to spar you'll soom learn how important your leg work will be in the ring, it will suprise you.

    I started off with the Brizzi Brothers in preston and trained like a bastard, the first time I sparred I was almost f**cked after the first round, you just have to stick with it.

    Best of luck Champ :thumbsup:

  8. Hi Guys, I've got a fully rebuilt PPG 1st to 4th helical syncro box with a reocurring problem, it keeps jumping out of 3rd gear under acceleration, the builder keeps blaming PPG with what seems like a load of waffle, its waiting for its 3rd rebuild under warranty, so this will be the 4th time he's rebuilt it, I'd have to assume its got him f**cked.

    Any ideas on the problem ?

    Mate get rid of the PPG crap, I had 2 years of drama's with them.... I would not recommend anyone using PPG products.. Your builder is probably right..

    Sad but true.

    Mate you could be right but I haven't spoken to PPG yet, only the builder who I've found is not big on telling the truth so I should give them a chance.

    I spoke to some guy at PPG and he said Mark will call me back so time will tell, I'm looking forward to speaking with him to get a better picture with whats going on hear or if they even know of my problems.

    Sorry to hear about your drama's, we all like to get what we paid for and shouldn't settle for less. :thumbsup:

  9. Yellow S15 with carbon body parts and fairly loud exhaust (straight-through?) on Clarendon St this afternoon being tailgated by a cop... The officer was on the radio whilst following you and looked awfully keen to stay on your tail. What happened afterwards?

    Also spotted a beautiful BCNR33 along the Princes Fwy again around an hour ago. Gave a thumbs up and got a wave from you. Were you the same car I spotted a couple of weeks back heading towards Geelong?

    Yer buddy it was me again, I was trying to get in the left lane for the Millers rd exit when I spotted you, thanks for letting me in I thought I was going to miss it. :thumbsup:

  10. He put forward a view and lied in the process. Like I said, you can't make up facts.

    A bit of Google research isn't enough to base your facts on.

    If he put forward the view, without making implications or with some substantiating facts, he would have been fine. As it stands, no facts, no story (to quote Marr).


  11. Has the 3rd gear synchro hub assembly been replaced? Very common cause of a gearbox jumping out of gear...usually happens on deceleration though.

    The gearbox has all new everything Birds, right through, its time I speak to ppg to cross refrence what the builder is telling me.

    I have a feeling it could be an interesting conversation. Cheers :thumbsup:

  12. i strongly suggest contacting ppg themselves and talking the issue through with them as well. They are usually more than helpful and are always looking for ways to improve so even though it may seem like criticism, its right up thier alley mate. best of luck and PM replied ;)

    Yer that was my next step, the gearset was purchased from ppg by the builder, I've found companys dont like to discuss things with someone else's client but it may be the best solution in this case as its dragging on.

    Thanks for your help and your PM, I'll let you know the outcome. Cheers :thumbsup:

  13. Is it a ppg or a par box? If it's jumping out of 3rd it could be a clearance issue on the shaft or a ball and detent issue. Who is building the box? If you don't wish to name pm me.

    Its a ppg box with all new parts, 1st to 4th gearset with ppg main billet shaft.

    The builder has told me he has replaced 3rd gear to a ppg 3rd gear upgrade spec? and sent certain parts back to ppg for re-machining? (but it still jumps out of 3rd gear) sounds a bit odd to me since these parts are case hardened and he has had a history of not telling the truth.

    I'm not hear to hang shit on him as I'm over that and he's still trying to rectify the problem, I just think he's clueless and this seems never ending.

    Thanks Allen, PM sent.

  14. Hi Guys, I've got a fully rebuilt PPG 1st to 4th helical syncro box with a reocurring problem, it keeps jumping out of 3rd gear under acceleration, the builder keeps blaming PPG with what seems like a load of waffle, its waiting for its 3rd rebuild under warranty, so this will be the 4th time he's rebuilt it, I'd have to assume its got him f**cked.

    Any ideas on the problem ?

  15. lol must have been you. You were driving sooooo casually haha

    pfft Epping TMU followed me to Werribee :\

    Thats the way I drive the car lol... funny I always knew it would be werribee that broke my 5 year record of not being pulled over in the R as their red hot down there, gives me the shivers.

    I always try to sneek'o down ducans rd and get to the freeway as soon as I can, but old eagle eye spotted them trying to out wit me so all was good.

    Next time give me a wave :wave:

  16. just saw a silver 33 getting tailed by a cop all the way from the werribee trains tracks at cottrell (i was turning there) to duncans rd where he got pulled over... No doubt for a 'random (skyline) check'... Looked like a chick cop too fyl...

    I think that was me, was around 10pm... they did a uturn and followed me over the werribee train tracks and pulled me over near duncans rd and gave me a breath'o thats all.

    The cop was a blonde chick who wasn't a bad looker :wub: first time I've been pulled over in 5 years god damn it, teach me for skankin in werribee lol...:)

  17. Drove home with a beautiful silver BCNR33 rolling on bronze TE's from around Werribee onwards along the Princes Fwy just before. Extremely clean example of a very well maintained GT-R :)

    were you driving a white s15?

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