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Veilside R33

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Everything posted by Veilside R33

  1. Think of me and touch yourself? .......... Well I've just gotten home from a 3 hour ride through hills, will have a huge appetite tonight!!! Don't worry JaiJai, it's ok *blackballs JaiJai from all future events* haha!
  2. Great to hear Chris! Thought we may lose you :@)
  3. .....Well, I'm sure if you have to cancel then you have a good reason, hope you're ok hun. Ok guys, looking to be around 18....unless someone else cancels *looks at everyone with scowl* hehe.
  4. Veilside R33 (+1) MKDR33 Shell (+ Damo maybe) MANG Frink Low200 CEF11E CeJay (tentative) Donnan S T A R 3 3 (-all hoochies. They weren't worthy.) Darkon (+1) nsanity (+1) Mivec - dude u forgot to add ur name Chintami JaiJai OK, this is the correctlist, please use this one when addind/deleting.
  5. Hey ya'll! As promised, I booked the table this morning. If we don't count Lee (still working on arranging a personal jet to fly you down and back) we will have 20 confirmed bookings at this point. I've booked for 25, just incase we get some extra's who are able to make it at late notice. So, to confirm, TABLE BOOKED FOR 25 THIS FRIDAY AT 7.30PM @ APK WODEN. Looking forward to seeing the whole team there for what will no doubt be another great night for us! Also, in keeping with past tradition, any excess money e.g. that which is left over if people round up their bills which sometimes happens, will be kept and used for future events.
  6. Don't strees in the slightest if your car's won't be there. In all honesty, no-one's really that interested in seeing the cars on these nights. Jayce: It's this Friday night at 7.30pm at APK Woden, and yes, you'll be there (wasn't a question, hehe). Everyone: I'm booking the table tomorrow morning, won't be an issue. At this stage we have 22 members coming along, I haven't factored S T A R 3 3's many affilliated hoochies into that mix but hoochies, being what they are, can stand outside and bask in your gentle glow. If anyone cancels, you will be banned , haha, just jokes ....., simply let me know, and I'll adjust the booking. Final numbers will be taken on Thursday, so anyone not booked in by then will not be factored in to the booking, however, should you find you can come at the last minute just let me know and I'm sure they can find some extra seats! This looks to be a good turnout guys!!!! Can't wait....*waits*.
  7. *searches around for clever sayings* When in Rome...... wait, that doesn't apply here, dang! I was trying so hard to be cool, too. Spotted: Me; about to hop on a plane.....For an all expenses paid trip to the F1's! Including access to all areas, guest of the Ch10 corporate box, dinner at the private room of Jamie Olivers restaurant "15" and various other goodies....life is sweet! See ya'll fu**ers on Tuesday when I arrive home!!!
  8. All I'll say to that is that firstly, I don't think you know what you're talking about. Secondly, 'Em's reasons for going to Sydney have nothing to do with trying to "scam a car club out of a few $$$" And thirdly, regardless of my feelings towards Daniel (little toad that he is), 'Em wouldn't do something like that, nor would she allow it to happen at the hands of someone else. I'm not expecting to see the money, that's due to Daniel not 'Em but if you're going to have a go at someone, at least know what you're on about before you do Mick. No hard feelings, just felt something needed to be said.
  9. Great turn out guys! Very pleased to see so many of us there!!! Was good to catch up with a lot of you, made me realise how long it's been since a big meet up for us.
  10. That's DJ's old one also, for the record.
  11. Yesterday: Spotted a silver Stagea chasing (and catching; might I add) a Prelude down Northbourne Av. And tonight at 7.45pm a black R32 flooring it past me at a round about heading out towards Dunlop.
  12. Lol, you never would. As most know I don't have the 33 anymore and I was in a friends car at the time. So even if you did know my KIA you wouldn't have seen me....and even if you did look at every driver as they passed by you wouldn't have seen me as I was riding shotgun.... No surprise you didn't see me really, lol.
  13. Spotted Cejay briving through Braddon this afternoon just before 5pm. Also NathR32 at the Avenue today.
  14. WOOOOOO WE GOT RACH'!!!!!! Where's your + 1 girl? I thought you had a new boy?
  15. Sacrelidge! how dare you take such an esteemed vehicle through a commoners cleaning station! Skylines deserve a personal touch (e.g. bucket, water, top quality waxes and a whole Saturdays work) and don't get on your high horses about water restrictions, they don't apply to Skylines. I've been asked by a few to come out to this, I'll be working, but will find time to come out and catch up with the crew.
  16. Daniel is no longer on the forums. With that said, I'll be there.
  17. Unfortunately, having an exceptional knowledge of clutches also comes with an ancient vudu curse. Suffice to say, after a combination of getting Jim wet and feeding him after midnight made him mutiply at a rapid rate, spawning dozens of miniature "evil Jim's". Although I won't go into detail, it is fair to say that everyone died.
  18. Veilside R33 (+1) MKDR33 Shell (+ Damo maybe) leech_ + Fi MANG Frink Datto260Z (maybe +1 R33) Low200 CEF11E CeJay Donnan S T A R 3 3 (+1.. +many more hoochies) Teh lizt iz 'ere!
  19. Spotted a white 33 with gold rims and black ACT plates flawing it through the intersection of Drakeford and Namatjira Dr. and then through to Kambah Pool Rd. at around 4.30 this afternoon.
  20. This is true my friend. I've already dicscussed this with John via PM and depending on the final list of attendees I may or may not come, I'll continue to talk to John about this as I'd certianly like to join ya'll!
  21. Lol, ok, date changed to Friday the 23rd. Spank you all for being so accommodating!
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