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Going To Italy...

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I assume you don't know anyone in Italy ?

Marranello, I think would be pretty hard too get too. Its a basically a very small town based around a race track and the Ferrari Factory and Shops, Museum.

There would have too be transport from Milan or Veronia. Very much worth it.

It is seriously in the middle of no where. One main street. Try and get there around midday, or knock off time, its worth too see all the mechanics in their unforms going home.

If your lucky you might see something running around the track.

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When I was in italy I went to Maranello and went to the Museum.

Its pretty cool and all the cars there are not donated by Ferarri, but bought by the museum itself.

It has heaps of new and old cars, heaps of the F1 engines and also heaps of cut aways.

Its pretty cool and worth the while if you are in the area, but i wouldnt make a special trip.

I am not sure if you can go to the "factory" itself. As for getting there, we were in a car so we drove so i cant give any directions or anything, sorry bud.

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i was in marranello a couple years back and watched a f1 car and a 575 being flogged around the track, although next time ill stay alot more there coz the only shop i got to go to was in rome at the big ferrari shop

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yep I went in 2001 worth going to galleria ferrari tasty race F40's and the like.......

I think Bologna is the closest big city, I got a train from there to Modena and then a bus out to Maranello which is Ferrari town lol merchandise everywhere

if ur lucky like I was u may also catch them testing on the Ferrari circuit saw the then F1 car do laps was awesome

not sure about the actual factory though might need to be more official and booked but give it a go

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You can get buses that will connect to maranello from bologna, verona or even Milan or Venice. You will have to connect with more than one bus so take special notes of the bus times especially when returning at night to often over there I got caught out because the last bus left a particualr station at 10.30pm and my bus arrived there at 10.45 and this was the last bus of the night!!! Do you speak Italian? If not try to get it all organised days in advance as just rocking up the day to the station etc could make it really hard for you.

The ferrari museum is ok, just near here is also the Lambo factory which is really cool, and also in the area is maseratti and the ducatii factory

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You won't be able to get a tour of the actual factory.

Bus transport from Modena is fairly easy if you are polite with the people at the information desks :(

The museum, shops etc. are worth the visit if you are a bonafied Ferrari freak. The atmosphere is awesome... but to be honest with you I think visiting the Alfa Romeo museum would be a better payoff. Unless, of course, you have time to visit them all!!!

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Thanks guys for the replies :)

I've sort of figured out the 2 buses to get to maranello....

title was a bit misleading - you have to have a fezza to actually get a tour of the factory - i don't think a GTR will cut it, unfortunately.

Will still check out the museum on the way through to venice from rome!


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