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hey guys just wondering your opinions on this one, apparently i can be booked by an off duty cop in a mcdonalds carpark for parking in a handicap spot, there was no other spots left, this was at waitara mcdonalds and the cop was blacktown highway patrol, he took photo's on his phone of my car and where it was parked, he was also abit tipsy in my mind however this prob wont matter if it goes to court or w/e, just wondering if he is in his rights to book me, he said ill get in the mail. p.s anyone on here do an old pac run last night (friday) in a dark r32gtr?

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Opionion? I'd say the ticket is kosher. He's a cop. He got pictures of you doing something naughty. You're busted. Shit happens.


and even if there wasnt any spots, you still dont park in the disbled bay, you park on the street and walk.

Edited by Driver
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yeah i did, and i also waited with the car, this is at like 12midnight in a mcdonalds carpark, didnt realy expect to see any ppl that would need the spot, however i waited just incase, all i wana know is if its the police's juristiction to book ppl in a carpark like that, id assume being the f**kers they are, they can.

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i drove a car to a servo to buy p plates, i never expected to be driving, i wouldnt let the ppl that where drunk in the car drive, so i said ill drive, 200m after leaving the house, i got *random breath tested*. i do not drink, i pointed out that there was no p plates on the car even before the officer asked for my license and that i was going to get the plates now.. so i contested that fine and now its going to court... they pull you over, see your on your p's and driving a skyline and they dont give a f**k, hence my mutual <3 for highway patrol syd police.

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yeah i mean i realy did think i was doing the right thing by not letting em drive, i guess i shouldve let them drive then die on the way atleast then the police would have a reason to do work and not just see the dollar signs that p platers in syd create, i mean seriously should change the P plates to red and green $ signs. cause im sure thats what they see. either way i was not impressed, p.s i was in a fiesta new model not even in a hoted up car. lol

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There's a reporting system in place for unlawful use of disabled parking, anyone can use it police/private citizen..drunk/sober, if he took your details you may recieve a fine but odds are when he realises that if you contest it he'll have to go to court also. I'd say like the majority of peeps he'll file it under cbf'd.

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thats shit. here in perth ive bin picked up so many times and not once have they noticed my missing p which on my old fevo was always missing!! or the fact in my stagea that u can hardly see them thru my tint!!!

Edited by Cheeky_Nympho
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When the coppers say 'you'll get it in the mail' it's just a scare tactic. He was prolly laughing at you when you left.

HOT TIP: Leave your rear P plate on the parcel shelf like it fell down, when a copper's like wheres your P plate just look back and go 'ummmm it must of fell sorry I didnt realise'. I used to do it on my P's always worked and saved my being pulled over everyday.

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