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Finally after hearing rumour whispers for some time I found this article/picture:

S16 Silvia

Can anyone translate Japanese? Not sure on authenticity but it looks like a possible evolution of an S15. Mmmmm SR20VET - 207rwkw from the factory!

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Hey, cool an S16 SR20VET... but that's funny, I thought they have killed off the Silvia due to high emission problems like the Z’s and Skylines old VG and RB engines... Australia is still getting the last few shipments of the S15 until August, I believe?

Well it good to see an S16 in the flesh, and… I WANT ONE!!!


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whats a VET??? how can u tell its a real pic and not a photoshop ... but i'm sure nissan are making an s16 or some kind ... thats the entry level sports car for the young person ... thats a big market!!!

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Graham - no the last new S15s were sold last September .... you will only find second hand ones around now.

Hiep - it's like Honda V-tec .... new kind of VVT - I'm not sure on the precifics but it makes the motor a hell of a lot more efficient, powerful and has less emissions. The 2001 Nissan X-Trail 4wd JDM version had the motor in it! Not the AU version though.

Robert - I want one too mate :D

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looks like a pretty bad photoshop to me, those headlights are very crooked S15 lights stuck on something else.

I'd be surprised if they didn't replace the S15 line sooner or later, 350z is too expensive for entry level. quite possible it wouldn't be turbo though, so I'm not sure how keen everyone would be then.....

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It could be a photoshop, but those lights are nothing like an S15 man .... have a look at the number of globes in there (small indicator and other globe above it) .... plus they have far too much height. S15 headlights are more long and thin. But I agree the headlights on the pic are dodgy.

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Yep... I'll have to agree the lights are photoshopped! The shape of the nose lines are little bit like on our Australian Mitsubishi Magna! :)

I had to edit this in... as after I exploded the picture there is an obvious photoshop around the C-pillow, boot and rear fender as well! Hmmmm... overall a poor job!

After checking the dimensions the S16 will be 135mm longer, 5mm wider and 75mm higher than the current S15... I wonder what the wheel base, wheel track widths and weight would be???


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