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hi guys i am looking at buying my friends r32 that hasnt been driving for a while.

but when i started the car the HICAS light appears on the dash.

i am really curius about what it is before i buy the car. the owner knows jack all about cars so its hard

so if anyone can help me its is much appreciated.


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hicas is 4 wheel steering. it only comes on when doing higher speeds for a certain amount of time to help cornering.

if the light is staying on when you start the car, it could mean it's been tampered with :D

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go to the rear of the car and look under where the rear axel is. if there is a hicas lock bar in place, then thats the reason the light is continuously on. if there is no lock bar in place, then as said above, you either have low fluid or something isnt right..

if you want to drift, then get a hicas lock bar(thats if you dont already have it).. but if your going to use your car for other purposes, just leave it... it will only ever become a pain in the ass when your driving along at 110 and hicas turns on and it has a speed bump.. if anything, hicas can be a godsend if you want to take corners fast..

Edited by 180sxdrifterj
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ive been driving along at 110 one day, and hicas turned on(was travelling along the M1).. all of a sudden, had a *bump* where it felt like the left rear wheel tried to turn on a straight..

in other words, yes...

ive driven along another straight at 50 one time, and the rear wheels started turning :D stupid hicas... old technology... henceforth while a lot of skylines owners get Hicas lock bars!

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you can pick up hicas lock bars for 30-120 bucks...

i purchased mine from someone on here who makes them up with decent steel.. cost me 40 bucks if that...

installation is a sinch, yet i havent done mine as i dont have a jack and stilts :D

i would have no idea what hicas stands for, thats about it that i DONT know about hicas lol

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HICAS (High Capacity Actively Controlled Suspension)

Earlier HICAS versions used hydraulics to steer the rear wheels. The hydraulic system was powered by the power steering pump and used speed sensors to determine how much and which direction to steer the rear wheels. Later versions, called Super HICAS, moved to an electric actuator for the rear steering rack, making the system much lighter. The Super HICAS system also used its own computer to control the system instead of speed sensors. HICAS and Super HICAS rear wheel steering is limited to about 1 degree in either direction.

I just like to know why ppl here are locking them and their benefits when they do.


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HICAS (High Capacity Actively Controlled Suspension) is Nissan's rear wheel steering system found on cars most of their cars. Unlike other four wheel steering systems, HICAS and Super HICAS is fitted to improve handling rather than as a parking aid.

Earlier HICAS versions used hydraulics to steer the rear wheels. The hydraulic system was powered by the power steering pump and used speed sensors to determine how much and which direction to steer the rear wheels. Later versions, called Super HICAS, moved to an electric actuator for the rear steering rack, making the system much lighter. The Super HICAS system also used its own computer to control the system instead of speed sensors. HICAS and Super HICAS rear wheel steering is limited to about 1 degree in either direction.

Click here for more info:


In short, after a certain speed you're doing - the HICAS will / should kick in to provide you with better handling and will cause the rear wheels to also turn as well on corners etc.

With my car, when I first start my engine, the HICAS light, brake lights, battery light etc flashes at the start - this is normal, but if HICAS stays on for more than a couple seconds - this means it's engaging incorrectly and needs to be fixed. I would get it fixed first before buying a vehicle with this always activated.

Good luck,

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  • 6 months later...
i have r33 4doors.since i change my steering wheel the hicas light on when i drive 10km...whats that mean n how to fix it? please help

this means the boss kit you used for the aftermarket steering wheel isn't HICAS compatible. there are little angle sensors in the steering wheel assembly and some boss kits dont work with them. best to get a boss kit the states it is HICAS compatible.

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