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No Speedo Or Power Steering

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last friday there was an accident on the bridge in town...in stop/start traffic for a good hour...then as i left the bridge and traffic i noticed my steering had become extremly heavy and i had no speed reading (or odometer)

I had been brainstorming with a mate and we're out of ideas...the most logical reason we could come up with is the speed sensor shat itself therefore telling the power steering that the car was travelling faster than it was...therefore making the steering harder....

but why...has anyone else had this problem know how to fix it etc...

thanks in advance


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99.9% sure your speedo cable has snapped, common problem for r32 gtst, call up nissan and get one or i think justjap sell em new also... bought $100 maybe not to sure.

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hey buddy

had the same problem as u before.. is the hicas light on?

the reason the steering wheel is hard is because the hicas system is not detecting the speedometer..

as stated above its probably cause your speedo cable has snapped.. as that was the same with mine..

u can find one cheap of the forum for probably $50 or so.

nissan sells it for way to much..

hope it helps

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yeh man...but the hicas light has been on since i picked it up in feburary...but the rest fits the problem....i need the car back now...so nissan will probaly have to do...i live in Mackay in QLD...not much chance bumping into someone with one....

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hey brock,

Go to jam on monday and see if they have one kicking around, they have a container filled with gearboxes and half cuts. might be able to find one. I'll come with you on monday and talk to aaron. if worst comes to worse and you have to order one. i know a car thats off the road that has an rb20 gear box in it. with a working cable. hint hint.

Big Bro

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Thanks every one for your help...i have now replaced the cable...very easy job... hunjy dollars from nissan got me a genuine cable...i took lots of photos etc...i will see if there is a tutuorial on it if not i will throw one up..

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