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Princess Kellie Cruise Round 5


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Will you guy's listen to yourselves;

That cruise was posted up on SAU as well so by your thought process it must have been an SAU cruise as well.

The actual fact about that cruise was that is was a cruise for the opening of a new workshop, and it was one of their customers cars that caused the accident......and it was a riced up R34 SKYLINE.....

So it probably is more associated with SAU than NS because it was posted on both sites but was caused by a skyline.

maybe you are right, and maybe we should stop talking about this on Kellie's cruise thread

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Thank god i bought a Chaser and got away from the drama, personally reading all this i had to check it was SAU and not NS

funny as

( I can remember some old school members causing some serious havoc 4-5 yrs ago :laugh: chasing a certain r34 gtr up hills)

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Kells I owe you a jacks n coke

craig can join us :P

i shouldnt have said anything, had no place to say what I did.... just expresses a POV;

I agree you have to be able to limit who comes along and who isnt welcome - perhaps keep cruise's to PMs and advertise it after the cruise, photos / experiences etc?

dunno, really - the fact is no one has a moral right (without authority) to say who can and cant be at a particular public place at a certain time, such as 'banning'. thats all.

i reckon if you dont let them know about it (ie, cruise) then they wont be there :wave:

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^^^ hahah yeah im sure most of us are big softies underneath even you pete!! im quite happy the way this has resolved itself. if there is one thing ive learnt fisty cuffs solves nothing just creates another larger problem in this day and age!. tangles id like it if you could come on kells next cruise i think you would enjoy it!

p.s. just wanna say once again this cruise absolutely rocked my jocks.

just bought racedriver GRID for pc. ooooooo aahhhhhhh oh and a carton of sparkling... pc and beer go hand in hand!

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tangles id like it if you could come on kells next cruise i think you would enjoy it!

p.s. just wanna say once again this cruise absolutely rocked my jocks.

Tangles, I'll be there, so you won't be the only Stag :)

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i would rather this one ^^ :)

i bought GRID but as a download and couldnt download it because its 10gb and Game Arena weren't mirroring it

I got a copy if u wanna bring a dual layer dvd over for the burnination


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too hard ben mine is DD (digital distribution) ill wait one more day which is 1 day from my new month which is when telstra un cap us and go hell for leather on 19mbit cable extreme :)

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WELL!!!!!!!!! I thought it was the best cruise ive EVER been on!!! hehehe, not that ive been on many but meh it was good! I loved the 'cruising' through the city n suburbs, listening to about 15 flamin types of BOV stock or not was just like music haha! And when we 'stretched' our legs for a few minutes thru the hills it was awesome!!!! only boring part for me was that i knew absolutely no one and me n my mate just stood there... you probably saw us, and that i think my car was the worst one there and needs some serious work done to it!!! haha.

didnt really notice anything too bad, few wheelies from various ppl but meh... not as bad as them commodore cruises i can tell ya that! hopefully next time i can meet a few ppl n enjoy it a bit more!!

plz keep organising kell... lil bit of discipline never goes astray i think... it may not work but it tones it down from what the cruise could have become... anyways... later people..

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