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hey guys...

i have a Alpine Deck that has 35x4 built in amp..kinda schitt but nevertheless...

yearning for better sound sometime back, i removed the stupid crossovers in the front and the old spkrs and etc...and now i have wired the deck straight to the speakers...i have JBL 3way 125w speakers.

in the rear was running the std clarion that came with the skyline till today...

when i removed it, i realized that they didnt have the normal small head big head kinda thing...instead they were like a switch or plug or something..

so i unplugged it...chopped off the plug...

and got the big/small heads frm my new speakers, rolled em up together and soldered it down.. just wondering tho, is there any difference between wrongly soldering?


negative terminal frm the deck now goes into the positive in the deck..meaning ive soldered the wrong head to the wrong cable?


what effects does it have? how will i know thats the problem?

now the sound at the back ,treble and all sounds fine(they are 2 way 150w pioneer's).

bass is totally small and tinny and crap..

smoethin should be wrong cause i had these pioneers in the front before i bought thr JBL's and they were great.

and now the back sounds real soft and the front louder..and sounds frm the front sound kinda messed up too...

i didnt know which wire to use and etc cause the colors were odd...

the left speaker in the rear, there is one LIME GREEN WIRE. PURELY LIME GREEN. - i connected this to the small head.

then a YELLOW WIRE with a black stripe.

i connected this to the BIG head.

on the RIGHT SIDE, i have a PURE ORANGE wire. i connected this to the big head.

and a ORANGE with a black stripe...connected this to the small head.

any problem here? is there anything wrong that could be messing up the sound ALL over?

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One of the wires could be the wrong way around making that speaker out of phase. When one speaker is out of phase they cancel each other out so you get no bass.

I looked at the wiring in my R32 and the colours don't match yours but it seems they always use solid coloured wire for the (+) big terminal and striped wire for the (-) small terminal so try swapping the wires to your left speaker because as it is now the striped wire is connected to the (+) terminal.

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booster: the right side, i have the SOLID ONE with the BIG head and Striped with the small head...altho it sounds bad. no bass

the left one i have it the other way round but it sounds kinda fine but is there any reason why my front might be louder than the rears?

cheers guys

ps: how much does it normally cost to wire in an amp and get these speakers looked at?

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i've done this in my car!! ah 6" in the back and were fine!!!

i'l look at wiring when i get home! but i'm with booster, out of phase sounds like your problem!! or that one connection is not making full contact!!

will post with the colours etc later!!

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craved/booster...thanks a bunch guys!!

they sound fine now after havin swtiched the wires like booster said...

i just played with the fader/balance to hear which speaker was makin lousy sound and i just butchered and resoldered the wire

on that one..i mean switched the heads...

had no intention of removing the seat and etc etc all over again and getting cuts all over esp at 10 at night so i did it thru the battery compartment in the boot and ended up spending 1 hr sittin in the boot crouched over like a duck but nevertheless, when i was done, i spent another 15 mins inside listneing to music cause it just sounded SO much better now...

thanks a whole bunch guys

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