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Custom Rwd Rb26 Sump


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just got my sump back from being glass beaded and well it has turned out great modded it to have extra capacity by chopping the box section of the existing sump out and welding a new hollow section in and repeating the process for the other side and i have also fitted new studs to it and a tomei sump baffle should help in combating the rb26's oil hiccups well here's hoping




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yeah where the front diff was cast to the sump it had cracked through a little so it need re welding and it had pulled the sump wall down prob 2-3mm so we had to build up the weld in the dropped areas and then deck the excess off till it was all flush again but has pulled up alright wont affect it in any way so what your seeing isnt that the section in question is lower its all the same height just without the gasket grooves in it

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Looks nice, we had a similar problem welding my rwd rb26 sump and had to face the flange...(note to self - bolt the sump to an old block next time)

btw did you source the studs/bolts from nissan? Was a pain getting all the part numbers, waiting for some to come ex japan then half didn't fit anyway.... ended up using rb30 exh manifold studs in places lol.

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yeah thats all i used rb30 manifold studs same thread and only 2-3mm longer did the job perfect and yeah bolting the sump to a block would have worked next time (im hoping there wont be a next time) i would also go down that path

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