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R33 Headlight Issues


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I've recently picked up a '93 R33 GTS (JDM model)

I've had it for a couple of weeks now, but my headlights blew out...

I replaced them with brand new H1's but only 5 min after installing they blew out again (%^#$$!!!!!!!!) :action-smiley-069:

I've noticed the brightness of the headlights fluctuating since I bought it and think that might mean something

any advise??

I'm not sure if JDM models need different bulbs or if it's an electrical problem...

..... It's probably the latter but just thought I'd get a second opinion

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  • 3 months later...

It sounds like your alternator's voltage regulator is broken. They often start overcharging your battery when they wear out. Use a voltmeter and check the voltage of your battery while the car is running, if it is anything over 14.4V or so then the regulator needs to be replaced. If the alternator is overcharging then you are lucky that the headlights have blown before the more expensive electronics in the rest of your car. Get it checked/fixed before that starts happening or it could get very expensive soon.

The other thing if you didn't know is you have to make sure you don't touch the glass bits of your headlight bulbs with your hands/fingers. The oil from your skin causes a heatsink effect on the bits you touched and this will greatly reduce the bulb life. I don't think it'd be bad enough to cause them to blow within 5 minutes, but keep it in mind anyway. If you accidentally touch the bulbs, wipe them clean with metho or something before installing them.

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people seem to exagerate a bit on the touching of the bulbs. the first time i changed bulbs (back when i was 17) i touched the glass (was holding it by the glass to put it in the plug) and they both still worked when i sold the car about 4 years later. i have probably touched the glass in some way on every bulb i have ever installed (some cars you have little choice due to the way they go in, but i don't hold them like i did that first time) and i have never had a headlight blow or anything like that. the current set i have had in the car for probably 6 years and i'm sure i would've made some skin contact with the glass when either getting them out of the packaging (cause it was really hard to get out) and putting them in.

however you are pretty spot on with the alternator voltage regulator. first place i would be looking.

oh and all r33 skylines are JDM models.

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There are 3 things that blow globes

1. Over charging Alternator

2. Poor quality globes

3. Vibration

Often with overcharging the blown fillament will be stuck to the inside of the glass.

Past experience of being an Auto electrician for 18 years.

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