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Replacing My Clutch


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im going to be replacing my clutch by myself which iv never done before but i have on a falcon.

just trying to save some money and learn some new shit.

is there any link on how to change the clutch on a r33 or anything i should look out for ?? anything is apprieciated guys il be attemtping this next saturday and sunday

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im going to be replacing my clutch by myself which iv never done before but i have on a falcon.

just trying to save some money and learn some new shit.

is there any link on how to change the clutch on a r33 or anything i should look out for ?? anything is apprieciated guys il be attemtping this next saturday and sunday

do plenty of searching in the DIY section, there is lots of helpful stuff in there, I downloading and print heaps off before I did my first clutch, very useful, theres a couple of tricks you'll need to know, its all in there..

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have about 20 x 1/2 inch or 3/8 extensions >_<

The best tip I can give is that the top two bolts are best removed with a couple of extensions up the back of the gear box. There a pain but if you use the extensions there alot easier. Think it is covered in the DIY anyway, which as said will be extremely helpful. Should be in the DIY/Tutorials section

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this is the only link i found to help me http://www.skylinesaustralia.com/forums/DI...eplacing+clutch

any more that iv missed considering i searched and thats the only one that came up

btw i will be using an old school pit to do this so i have some nice room is that recommended?

that should see you right.. get your self a set of rachet ring spanners they will come in very handy working on these cars, especially the starter motor bolts, can't remember what size but they are a bitch

good luck

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I've done clutches on about half a dozen cars and I found my R33 to be the easiest of the bunch. I had a mate helping who is a mechanic and he's done about a million cluthces. He also said it was the easiest he's ever done.

Bolts are easy to get to, exhaust easy to get out the way, stick comes out easy and box falls away easy.

There's nothing at all special about done a 33 clutch.

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I've done clutches on about half a dozen cars and I found my R33 to be the easiest of the bunch. I had a mate helping who is a mechanic and he's done about a million cluthces. He also said it was the easiest he's ever done.

Bolts are easy to get to, exhaust easy to get out the way, stick comes out easy and box falls away easy.

There's nothing at all special about done a 33 clutch.

wow thats really helpful, just to post up how easy it is when you have a mechanic helping you :)

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haha cheers guys

iv been advised not to do it myself even with mechnical knowlegde and having done others before.

apparently theres a special tool your need or some shit n blah blah, so il pay the extra 300 and leave it at that

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