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Fitness And Eating On A Tight Schedule.

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Ahoy lads. I'm after a bit of advice to do with a fitness plan. Here's my story...

I'm heading overseas to Canadia in just over 10 weeks. A month after touching down I will be working a mountain and boarding every day. So my primary goal at the moment is to curb the pain I'll experience when smashing pow every day. Secondary is just general fitness, for more energy during the day and to stay sharp with the ladies.

Until I leave, I'm living in Melbourne for work, originally being from Brisbane. I work 12-14 hours a day in film, so time is a real issue. My work is usually quite physical, but this job is rather pedestrian and doesn't entail a great deal of the labour. I am on my feet all day, but that doesn't really count for much.

My metobolism over the past year or two has suffered going from employment to unemployment between jobs. Eating has been all over the place. When working I get two large main meals a day - breaky, lunch and a sammich for arvo tea. I don't eat dinner when I get home. When unemployed I'd only feel like eating twice a day, because I just slothed around. I'm 24, 170cm's and have a rest weight of 64kg's. I've got an ectomorph/mesomorph body type. In my teens and early 20's I leaned more toward ecto and found it really hard to put on weight, even with supplements and weight training. But now, at work, only firing up the furnace for 2 meals a day, I find I've put the kilos on. I'm 72kg's at the moment, and my stomach is actually getting larger :unsure:. I've definately put muscle on though. Anyway, to cut it short I guess I'm a lil bit freaked out by my changing body although I realise I've still got it much easier than some. I know what you're thinking, "Stop shovelling it in!" But I get so hungry!

I stumbled across the Tabata method of training and it seemed really attractive for a number of reasons. Chiefly time and how it boosts your metabolism. I realise results only come with effort, and 4 minutes of effort a day isn't a great deal at all. I don't have access to a gym, or any equipment.

My questions for you are...

1. What do you know of the Tabata method, and how beneficial would it be in my case. How effective would it be at rebooting my metabolism? I plan on eating 3-5 smaller meals a day if I stick with it.

2. When should I do it - morning or night? I HATE mornings, especially in the cold. But I only get one or two hours to myself at night before I have to hit the sack. Night suits me better, but I already have trouble sleeping sometimes. Work hours vary sometimes also, with regular starts of 7am, but sometimes as late as 10am. If I were to do mornings, I think I would benefit from a warm-up run around the block.

3. Would any supplements benefit me if I'm focusing on the following exercises?...

20 Seconds of Jump-Lunges, 10 Second break,

20 Seconds of Jump-Squats, 10 Second break,

20 Seconds of Burpees, 10 Second break,

20 Seconds of Push-Ups, 10 Second break, repeat cycle again, for a 4 minute workout maintaining proper technique throughout.

I would plan on mixing it up too, with some sprinting, chinups somewhere, bicep curls with some weights maybe.

4. Are the any alternatives you know of, or any advice you can give based on the info I have provided?

Anyway, cheers for having a read. Leave a post if you can.


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  • 1 month later...

Hey mate, seems like you have got it all worked out.

For starters i would start having

Breakfast (GOOD foods, Oats,berries,Greek yoghurt and green tea)

Morning Tea (Protein Shake)

Lunch ( Rice and 2 Beef burgers, apple and water)

Arvo tea ( Protein Shake)

Dinner ( 2 Chicken breasts, lettuce, light philadelphia cheese, 2 Wholemeal wraps)

Make lunch the night before much easier.

After your workout have a protein shake as well.


( Lost 25kgs of FAT doing this and put on muscle :) )

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