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Not Fair!

Guest Diabolik1

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Guest Diabolik1

Well, 2 days and some money later, i got my car back from vision.

Everything is fixed and it looks absolutely brilliant.

I highly recommend Vision to anyone !!


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:mad: Take a look at this:



Some people just have no respect for other people's property. This happened in my work carpark, and no-one even owned up to it! The rear left skirt is scuffed up and the panel dented and chipped pretty bad (may push out tho)

Goran, how much were your repairs at Vision? I have another coin sixed dent in my pax side door (caused by another incompetent parker) that i want to get fixed. Just sux tho, - I SHOULDN'T HAVE TO SPEND THIS MONEY!

Does anyone know if the mobile dent removers are any good? do they do a good job?

i have this theory that people just lose it and forget how to park when near skylines. it such a shame, you take extra care driving around (trying not to destroy ure baby whilst having a bit of fun), and the next day it gets damaged by circumstances out of your control.


btw; *BY BY* i'll be taking pics and reporting on the exhaust system soon! its all good, thanx again

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Guest Diabolik1

Hey dude,

Sorry to hear what hapened....i know how it feels....and its really not fair.

I paid 600 bux at Vision....i got a few other quotes and all of them were around 750-800, so Vision was the cheapest, and they truly did a good job, im very happy with it.

My damage was similar to yours, it had a little bit more scratches than yours from the look of it, but very similar thing.

When u go to Vision, speak to Jerry and tell him u came highly recommended from the Skylines club (thats what i told him and he took care of me).

Good luck mate,


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Tooly not good at all. you must have been spewing when u saw it... Goran was your damage much worse than this? You should see XCUZME he has kopped the biggest blow of all on his side. anyway good luck in fixing it tooly.

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Guest Diabolik1

There was only two or three little dents, definately not as big as tooly's, but the scratches were worse....

all in all, pretty similar damage

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Guest Boxhead

croat - you should have went to the RBT, you should have said if they ask for your liscence, say, 'did i blow over the limit officer?"

coz they arent allowed to ask for your liscence unless you breath over the limit, coz its a RANDOM breath test....

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I know what ur getting at but around here the 1st thing they ask for at an RBT is your licence to check ur photo and see that its you... If they are suss they may do a check up on u. anyway i saw the RBT and i was the only car on the road and they were ready to pull me up so with no licence in pocket and no licence in the books i shat my self and tried to get away.

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It's more sus turning into a side street, just go though the 'R'BT and hope for the best. I got pulled in once, but wasn't tested, like pulled into the testing lane, then decided to let me though, weird i know. Not a real good idea to try and be smart and say things like 'did i blow over the limit officer?" (no offence Boxhead), they seem to like taking out the defect book after saying things like that.

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Guest Diabolik1

There's probably not a lot of excuses that the coppers didnt hear, so i dont think theres much you can say that they havent heard.

Face the music and hope for the best....

You got some bad luck Croat :D


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Guest Boxhead

no they shouldnt be able to ask for your liscence, i know they do it, but just ask, sorry i thought i was pulled over for a rbt, if they defect you at an rbt station, they wont hold up in court, just say you were pulled over for an rbt..

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Yeah Goran this last 4 months i have had the worst luck in my life! Boxhead i was not in trouble of being defected cause i was in my mums commodore... I personally would not say that to the cops cause it will just piss them off, i think.

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