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Speedo and HICAS stuffed


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Can anyone tell me if the speed sensor on an r32 is dependent on the speedo drive?

Problem is like this, I got in my car this arvo, left work and noticed the speedo wasn't working. I was pissed. Then the car decides to stall everytime i pull up, which it does occasionally when it's hot started so i wasn't that worried. Then i noticed the steering was really bloody light, and then the Hicas light came on.

Now about the only thing i could think of for the 2 going at the same time (other than me being unlucky) is that the speedo drive is used for the HICAS speed input somehow off the back of the dash.

Hicas is already locked.

Already checked all the plugs on the hicas are in and the fluid is full. Checked the speedo drive is plugged in at the gearbox end and that it still turns freely, haven't pulled the dash out yet to see if it's come off there. And will probably pull the speedo drive unit out of the box over the holidays to see if the teeth have stripped off it.

Any other suggestions?



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Speedo cable is falling apart from the look of it at the dash end, jammed it back together temporarily and it has fixed the speedo for now, will now see if it fixes the hicas issues when i go out in the morning.

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Same thing happened to me, Yes. Hicas is dependant on a speed sensor which is plugged into the back of your speedo. My Turbo timer wiring was not making a solid connection with my dash so this threw my HICAS out of wack too.

So in other words, No speed sensor = No Hicas.. but your speedo may work perfectly it all has to do with the wiring in the back. You should run a HICAS diagnostics to be sure.

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Yeah, the hicas seems to have been sorted out with the speedo cable bodgy fix.

Which makes me wonder how screwed up is the hicas/power steering for all the guys who cut the speed sensor wire to the ecu.

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