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Window Tinting - 15% Or 35%?

Drift King

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HELP! :):(

Got my car booked in next week for window tinting B) , through a group buy on this forum! But need help, I still can't decide which % tint to go with! Was thinking 15% but don't want to get defected and not sure about night visibility, on the other hand 35% may not be dark enough to keep the heat out and people from looking into the car!

Any suggestions and/or pics of recently tinted cars!? Are there any Series 2 R33 GTS-25T recently tinted out there?

Any help will be greatly appreciated!!


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i have 15% on a R32 GTR, suits the car perfectly, visibility is good, and cant see in at night

I wasnt sure which one to go either, but greg showed me the 15% on a ceffie and im really happy with it

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Thanks heaps guys!

I will probably go for the 15% and stay away from the cops! I will be seeing Greg next week and he will show me some samples but to be honest I was pretty keen on the darker tint. In the end it just seems to be better overall!

Once again, Thank you.

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my sII came with tinted windows at the back ...i cant see shit out the back at night...day time is pretty bad too so i have to reverse using side mirrors only ..

Would you know what % the windows were tinted at? Chances are they would be pretty close to 15%, or maybe darker?

So since 15% is a defect, perhaps consider what ure insurance company will say if you have a smash. "your tints are past the legal limit, we think you could not see, bye bye payout"

You make a good point, the last thing that I need is 1) to have an accident and 2) to have problems with my insurer!

no its pretty hard... I usually have to turn down the windows... To get a better view....  :P

I don't really want to have this problem but it will prevent theives from looking into the car and the possibility of being broken into. Would 35% be able to do that? Obviously not as effectively, but within reason.

Thank you all for your input!

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35% would help at night. but its not going to stop them from seeing thru.

I have a few mates with 5%. you cant see anything with the windows up at night. not sure about 15% though. im sure it wouldnt be much different.

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yep 5% you cant see shit at night but i drive around with the windows down all the time anyways...

i love it... wouldnt have any less.. only have trouble when there arent street lights and if the street is really dark i cant see where im going.. but its all good

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hey sup man.. once u get your tints done, please post up some pics.. would love to see how the car looks with dark tints.. so im thinkin of doin the same thing.. n i got same colour car as u so yea..

thanks man..

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