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Everything posted by MaTBoY

  1. Sorry dude. Focused on drift and random stuff. No skids.
  2. That blue nsx was f**king Rad
  3. Gonna check a few things on car through the week, if its all happy I might tag along with the chi tee are.
  4. MaTBoY

    March 2012

    what can u do man? you're at the worlds mercy. I love broad minded persons too
  5. You should probably post up a few pics man so people can see what you do and see if they dig your style.
  6. MaTBoY

    March 2012

    Yeah, they were all 50y+ very different crowd to us. Most of they're 'winning' shots were just snap shots. the one that WON the digital manipulation was a abortion of hdr. i wanted to rip it off the wall it was so bad. Even my gf said... 'wow... that's shit'. yep i made the website, it's based on a template though, i just edited some stuff, and stuck it back together. I've got a mate who is a code king, he just helped me clean a few things up. I'll have a look at the top menu thing next time i sit down to work on it (need to update motorsport porfolio. it's almost empty. Thanks for looking and double thanks for your feedback and ideas! your a champ!
  7. MaTBoY

    March 2012

    I entered a photography comp at a local show over the weekend, one of my shots got third place and it was one of the weaker shots in my opinion. I asked the dude what they judge on, he went on about the rule of 3rds like it was the most important thing to a photo. I asked him to critique a few shots and he said I should never shoot into the sun. (which it one of my favorite things to do) So i got marked down for shooting into the sun AND maintaining a good exposure through the shot. this one came third
  8. MaTBoY

    March 2012

    That's a really strong shot Fongy. I LOVE IT! Very well executed. I've been doing some other random stuff other than cars recently. it's good to refresh and recharge batteries. Don't shoot into the sun they say... Run!(if the compression/colours are shite it's because this one is hosted on FB and not flickr. can't upload from work ;/)
  9. MaTBoY

    March 2012

    thanks sidd. I'm about to go check ur page out Got any specific questions? I'll give u specific answers Here's a couple from powercruise drifting. Amazingly powercruise isn't just bogandoors and fords. good mix of cars! I'll be doing a story on the drift on autocult later in the week.
  10. I'll be wasting a few days at the Hunter the weekend before. Let's see how keen I am on 2 trips in 2 weeks
  11. RTA Sold our plates to a private company so they can rape us as hard they like Just finished my latest set. R34 GTT (not an R) here are a couple of my favs from the set.
  12. MaTBoY

    March 2012

    cheers man. same shot here but with the owner (forum member too) in the shot too. Sidd, give your CC on the persons placement/lighting/blah blah... keen to hear what people think since adding people to the shot is relatively new to me. Fongy, Looks like we were trying the same sort of thing.
  13. MaTBoY

    March 2012

    Good luck g fresh.
  14. MaTBoY

    March 2012

    the glass will help out a lot. but no you won't get the same quality as a newer body. image size. iso. colour depth. focusing capabilities. dynamic range. and more will all suffer. It will definately look stacks better than a kit lens on the same body though. p.s. Thanks
  15. MaTBoY

    March 2012

    I do like the colours and texture in your edit more than the original, but I don't like how she fades into the wall now. In Sidd's she pops out a bit off the darker wall. I guess it's a taste thing, but you're level of processing is good. not over done
  16. MaTBoY

    March 2012

    Most important thing to note about your 'film effect'. It makes her skin look nasty. She's not going to be fan. Make sure you keep the processing complimentary if you're doing wedding/portfolio stuff. Sidd, Awesome location and really nice shots. DO LIKE.
  17. Colour is white. cost is priceless Another 34....
  18. MaTBoY

    March 2012

    I really wanted to go check the dam too, but figured half of Sydney would swing past. Nice work!
  19. Hows the weather down there boys??
  20. MaTBoY

    March 2012

    I like puppies. GET IN SPORTS CAR! cute little bugger! Nice work J. Almost like it's on fire. I've got to ask.. is that computer generated?
  21. I'm across the road from the track and it's f**kING WET. Have fun at UnderWaterCruise. I'll be there in the afternoon.
  22. What do you mean on the brighter side? A kid would be way more rewarding man (and cost about the same amount of money haha) Congratulations! I've been bitten by euro fever of late too. Looks nice man. here's a rig shot from the latest series.
  23. Marko, I'm located around Sydney and I'd be happy to shoot your ride. I'll PM you Tangcla, love your work man! Pics 2 and 4 are rad. The red came up a treat! One more of the same 34 for you all...
  24. Did a shoot for a skyline dude on friday afternoon, here's the first couple from that set.
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