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Everything posted by lang

  1. if the car is 15 years old (going by the month of manufacture) then you can import it under the 15 year rule the rules may be about to change so keep an eye on www.dotars.gov.au
  2. i have a rotary, yes they can ping, its not ALLWAYS loud. but yer pretty much dont expect one to tolerate alot of pinging. you also need to remember the scenario usually goes like this: ping>broken apex seal>hard apex seal score inside of housing as motor spins>apex seal shoots out exhaust port into turbo>turbo gets ****ed>apex seal goes back into other rotor housing if unlucky>scores other housing. your left with allmost nothing reusable... they are very reliable, but i wouldnt call them durable if you **** up your tune, they can die very fast death.
  3. does it make any mention of where and how serious the accident damage was? im guessing it was front end
  4. hi, if its not too much trouble, would someone mind telling me what auction grade this car recieved and if it has had any accident history. i cant read japanese. If you are sick of translation questions and cant be bothered i understand thanks in advance lang
  5. thats funny, i have 215's on my 17*9's, they are a little streched tho and 215's on my 17*8's on the front, also a tiny bit streched
  6. i answer A considering its a suburban street.
  7. hey, for those that wanted to see, the newest addition to the family.
  8. update: car is now mine ill post a pic later im very happy, thanks for your help
  9. im taking a gamble.... i might loose money or i might save some. simple as that still yet to hear if i was sucessfull, which isnt a good sign. fingers crossed
  10. i am very very gratefull funky. i bidded on this car at auction today i am yet to hear if sucessfull. if i had not have found out the month i woudnt have been able to bid at all so i cant thank you enough..
  11. hi, ive been a lurker on these forums for a while... i know there is a user here who is able to look up this information but i can not remember their name. i urgently need to know the date of manufacutre of this 1990 GTR BNR32-007802 if anyone can point me to the month of manufacutre i will be very very gratefull cheers, Lang
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