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Everything posted by Guerilla

  1. Well... I hate to say but... My friend has a CD and makes a BOV noise every 25secs LMAO
  2. ^ Im surprised they have a FAQ Is this rice approved? Yes.
  3. S15's are tottal sex. I also 2nd what pentae said, thats a dream of mine too.
  4. 1989 – 1993 Nissan Skyline R32 GTS-t/GTS-4 Engine RB20DET Type Inline 6 DOHC, F/I Capacity 1998cc Kw 160Kw Torque 263 Nm Gears 4 Spd Auto, 5 Spd Man Brakes Vented discs Length 4530mm Width 1695mm Height 1320mm
  5. Could you get defecting in anyway for that?
  6. A camera with about 2 more megapixels should do it
  7. I like the mail things but prefured the older '>' buttons
  8. This is like the third '02 theard being brought back up
  9. UGLY STICK AND BONE Looks like Debra from Everybody Loves Raymond.
  10. Yeah it looks like it was painted. 1994 = S1
  11. Did I ever tell you your my friend [email protected] Someone make this mans life easier and Forward the e-mail so he doesnt have to upload it again.
  12. I got GT4 from EB yesturday i was day dreaming but the guy said something about an extra $5 would give me insurnace with some issue on the game and i was just like ' Ah na its ok'
  13. I was able to do everything but what you asked haha sorry
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