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Mr Italy!

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Everything posted by Mr Italy!

  1. My supplier still has a bundle... maybe apexi' is just messing with us to make a quick buck? But i did hear a while ago that it was becoming hard to make a buck in the performance parts game over in japan - i find that a bit hard to believe but i'm not an apexi executive and i dont know what the overheads and supplier costs are.
  2. It snowed for ages in Dickson!! Cant believe it didnt snow in civic if it was going nuts in dickson??
  3. You can come in mine, because me and you both know jerry wont be done by mid next year
  4. Spotted Nath and Psymon at mobil chatting to blake earlier this evening.
  5. 2 exams down, 2 to go - then im free for 3 months!!!!!!!
  6. Hahahaha lets do it, the SAU 1kg steak eating competition!
  7. Yeah that was a good night, havent seen that many skyliners out - food was good, i felt so fat after we left! Woulda been good to meet all the folks at the other end of the table, but still got to meet a few people i'd never met before! Cant wait till the Xmas cruise, that should be good!
  8. Spotted mass cops in civic after we all left zeffers lastnight... 5 biker cops, heaps of cars and vans - spotted them just as i got into civic and pissed off home, wasnt gonna bother risking it!
  9. Dont drive it man, if it can break two it can break 5 - dont wanna see a 3 wheeled R33 sparking down the parkway tomorrow!
  10. ^ Pfft theres pleanty of us still going!!
  11. I'll keep an eye out for the security gaurd tonight when i get to work this arvo and ill ask him if he can keep an eye out on the carpark - he's a good bloke so it should be all good. My car will be there when you people rock up, maroon R33. I'm clocking off work at about 8.15 so i guess if you guys wanna wait up for me ill meet ya's down in the carpark? :-p Oh and the car park i'm meaning is the one to the left of the transact building if you're looking at it from the dickson side.
  12. Yeah later works perfectly for me! I'm keen for late. Now about that massive discount, i think a bit of bartering could be done with this manager lad for pushing the dinner back one would think? haha just do it! Me and the misses are in, so chuck me on the confirmed list! It's on for sure!
  13. Oi nah she'll love the car talk, i told her atleast 1 other chick is gonna be there so maybe they can talk girly stuff or something... i dont think she was too impressed hehe. Nah dude i hear that you're coming... there is no doubt about it, you're coming and you cant get out of this one smart guy. Add semo to the list people!
  14. Hahahaha these threads provide me so much entertainment, they're awesome!!
  15. Zeffers are not a fan of splitting bills - i recon we should all just work out how much we owe and work it all out on one bill. Getting a discount for 30 people would be easy as man, just tell them that we're thinking of going to their resturant but we are also looking at any other dickson resturant - then see what they will offer you to eat there.... easy as really.
  16. If you're not looking for big power and/or big boost, ignore all of this rebuild talk - you dont need to rebuild your engine if you just use your car to get you from point A to point B, honestly it will be fine for many years to come.
  17. Haha shit yeah man, when you're on the phone ask em for a mad deal... no like seriously, they'd be making squillions from us alone!
  18. Haha check the post 2 above yours, im in!! Me and the misses will be there, at about 7.30 or so
  19. So everyone kinda forgot about this thread. We better still be doing it coz i got the boss to agree to let me go an hour early next friday, so i will be able to join you all at 7.30 - and my misses is able to join me also so she'll be rocking up at around the same time. I dont think the bosses would have a problem parking in the transact carpark but its not for me to make that decision, MIVEC's mum works upstairs so i guess if they get the OK from the suits upstairs then it should be ok - the gates open at night anyways so it should be ok. So is everyone still on for next friday?
  20. Good work shell! I convinced my misses to quit smoking simply by giving her bad looks whenever she'd light a smoke, it worked a charm!!
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