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Everything posted by R33GTRKid

  1. thanks mate, can you ps post up a close up pic of the clutch plate both sides?
  2. thats interesting, I was under the impression SS's were rated to 280ps and 2530's 320ps
  3. search in the fore sale, someone had one up yesterday or the day before
  4. spewin i missed this one, I will definitely be in on the next one and hopefully the GTR will be ready too..... fingers crossed
  5. R33GTRKid


    i just came back - the best tailor in Phuket is S-Boss in the market place just opposite Holiday Inn Patong. I stayed in the Merlin Beach Resort, it was friggin amazing, 10 nights for AUD$585, pure luxury 5 star resort, awesome. I will say one thing, hire a scooter in Patong, you will not regret it, just make sure you go the guy out the front of the Hungry Jacks (in front of the Indian place with the big red sign) he has a few new R1's and heaps of scooters. Go over the scooter with a fine tooth comb noting damage down with him and that's it. He will ask for your passport as deposit, say no and offer him $100 AUD, he will note down the serial numbers of the notes you give him and all is sweet. You should be able to get the scooter for about $150 baht per day max (which is about $5 bucks) and you will save heaps in taxi fares. Bangkok is great too, I highly recommend the Grand Mercure on Park Ave, cheap but luxurious and walking distance to everything - make sure you check out soi cowboy
  6. no question: smoke em every time.... NOT, value me license too much, tell em to meet ya at woop ass wednesday and do it right!
  7. gf100 works wicked man, undetectable by the cops hand helds, their hand helds give the same error message as if they moved too much while trying to take the speed (ERR1) rather than an ERR7 which indicates they are being jammed......
  8. touche although I am pretty sure that this pro78 (as with the BEL) has the stealth anti-detector detector software running to prevent cops from detecting that you have a detector to detect their radar trying to detect your speed. LOL
  9. well it has been 2 weeks since I went to TCG and swapped my Bel Vector 985 for a new Whistler Pro 78 for a free, no questions asked, 7 day trial. The deal was if I was not happy with the pro78 I could take it back and get my old Bel back no questions asked and if I was happy, there was nothing else to pay other than the Bel I had traded in. Well I will NOT be going back and have just had it hard wired into my car. The Whistler consistently gives me much longer warning for multinova's, I have gone past 3 since I have had it installed and it has given me no less than 150 metres and on the last occasion about 270 metres warning over a crest before I could even see the camera. The Bel used to average less than 100 metres and on most occasions I would see the camera well before the Bel went off. I have also noticed that the Whistler falses less, I mean a LOT less however it seems that sensitivity to genuine radar threats is not reduced. I have gone through one hand held and it seems that the whistler detected the laser when it was aimed at the car in front of me because I could not even see the cop when it went off the first time, then I could see the cop after the car in front changed lanes and then the whistler went off again. All in all, this 78 Pro seems to be much better that the Bel Vector 985 (I cannot comment on other Bel's) however I have noticed that I have not had any SWS messages yet which I find a little unusual as with the Bel I nearly always got some warning around the intersection of Beaufort Street and Walcott as well as at Vincent and Oxford, so I am not sure if this works although the instructions leaflet says it definitely does. Cheers Simon
  10. hey guys, although my 33 is still in customs, it would be sweet to come and meet a few of you, I will be in a Nissan so does that count, just not a rine.... will the meet point be at the bubble tea at 6 or elsewhere to drive to the shop for 6? and what time is the leach hwy meet time? Can someone please PM me along with the menu please. cheers Simon
  11. I may very well want a single and fly but my car is in customs quarantine yet and I want the compliance guy to check it out before i commit because it may already have an A/M in it and do not want to spend $1k right now if I do not have to..... I should know late next week. I guess if you go ahead with the buy before is there any chance that you could speak with your supplier and ask him if he can allow one extra purchase at GB price in the next few weeks, Ill understand if he says no in which case I will wait for the next run. thanks dood
  12. I to am still waiting for pics...... sends me about a billon PM's hassling me but still not pics...... post em up mate or f*k off
  13. Dood where are the other pics - in saying that I do not blame you for not putting up here when ya missus (who is pretty well smoking hot btw) is likely to be the subject of much drooling....
  14. wow chill out dudette, there is one way to prove the real colour of your hair, unless you dye down there too.... haha
  15. ACTUALLY you need to be careful saying you pulled left to turn right - that is an offence, it is called turning from incorrect position on the road and it gives following drivers the impression that you are turning left or pulling over notwithstanding you are indicating to the right..... choose your words carefully on the report although from the impact, he is going to have a hard time to say he could not see, I mean it is not as if he was level with you when you turned, you must have almost been right the way through the turn and halfway into the next lane for him to smack you side on at the rear like he did. I would have decked him!
  16. fuel - Metallica life is a highway - some dood highway to hell - acdc anything Pantera but particularly - this love! and a few others
  17. Polycarbs are 515, and once a plate is gone it's gone, some attract a premium as someone else wants email! Nothin to do with dreamin
  18. introducing the latest edition which is fortunately my company car: Loving it, may not be as quick as the GTR will be (ONCE IT f*kIN ARRIVES - bought 28 June landed Saturday last week.....) but feck it looks horn! But I still love the GTR:
  19. are the O ring sets the full set of 3 for each injector, ie do you get 18 o-rings per set?
  20. so to clarify cos Madaz's answer was not really clear, I will need the $650 single pull tupe for the 97 gtr? Does the twin plate include the lightened flywheel for the $2050?
  21. by the sound of the silence, Twoogle is now running a tomei 28 with a 40 thou honed N1 block
  22. Forgot to ask: re the cooler is it the filter relocation the one with the inbuilt thermostat control in the filter assembley? ie it only flows oil to the cooler before the filter if it gets too hot?
  23. what size in and out is the decat and does it have flanges? Does it have a cat shell around it (to look like a cat) or is it just a pipe? Pic would be great and where are you located? thanks
  24. I have a 33 GTR as a weekend car, hence the GO GTR, I have a Z33 that the lil lady drives (sal sacrificed), hence the Z33, I have a STI which is my work car (sal sacrificed) with BNVS on it, my old boy is on the interested list with Nissan Australia for a 35 (once they take orders he will place one) hence the GTR R35 and once the v-spec is annnounced for sale, I will sell by 33, Z33 and STI and buy one, hence the 35 GTRV so I am not a bad boy at all, the BNVS one I am going to take off though and put QIKSILV3R which just arrived (it is silver and pretty quick) on it because I fear that BNVS (which was a gift) is going to give someone enough motivation to feck up the car.... anyone want to buy it, $500?
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